
Test version
20190210 (Windows)
http://www.mediafire.com/file/eq80y20l9 … or_test.7z
20190210 (Linux)
http://www.mediafire.com/file/uw3e03kdk … x_test.tar

sarami wrote:

Perhaps this problem occurs due to reread, so I'll abort the program not to create the bad dump

Added this.

usurper wrote:

My disc is brand new!

It doesn't matter about this problem whether brand new or not.

F1ReB4LL wrote:

edccchk and CDMage show 314 errors, DIC shows 313 errors, error count bug?

Maybe so. Please try redumping by latest test version if possible.

1,727 (edited by ajshell1 2019-02-10 20:01:34)

I think I've found two bugs related to the Linux version of EccEdc.

Firstly, it won't work if you put parantheses in the name of the file you are dumping to (e.g. "FIFA 2003 (USA)" won't work, "FIFA 2003" will work).

Even without the parantheses, EccEdc still fails to do it's job properly. This is what happened after I removed parantheses:

Exec /home/aj/software/DIC_20190210/./EccEdc_linux.out check /home/aj/software/DIC_20190210/Atlantis - The Lost Empire - Trial by Fire.img
argc: 11
        check <InFileName>
                Validate user data of 2048 byte per sector
        fix <InOutFileName>
                Replace data of 2336 byte to '0x55' except header
        fix <InOutFileName> <startLBA> <endLBA>
                Replace data of 2336 byte to '0x55' except header from <startLBA> to <endLBA>
        write <OutFileName> <Minute> <Second> <Frame> <Mode> <CreateSectorNum>
                Create a 2352 byte per sector with sync, addr, mode, ecc, edc. (User data is all zero)
                Mode    1: mode 1, 2: mode 2 form 1, 3: mode 2 form 2

I'm currently running Antergos Linux.

EDIT: Apparently, it works fine when you don't include spaces in the filename


Also, dumping a DVD results in the DAT being written to the DMI.bin

https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/ … nknown.png


Thanks. Uploaded. http://www.mediafire.com/file/uw3e03kdk … x_test.tar


sarami wrote:

Thanks info. I ordered Color, Jr, and XP by amazon.

I got VideoNow Color, Jr and XP and confirmed these discs also have "81 E3 E3 C7 C7 81 81 E3". That is, latest test version supports all(?) VideoNow discs.


Sarami can you give me an example command for dumping Mil-CD?

All my posts and submission data are released into Public Domain / CC0.

1,732 (edited by sarami 2019-02-22 14:16:51)

iR0b0t wrote:
LoStraniero91 wrote:

I have a DVD IBM PC game with what could be Ring Protech. Any advice how to dump it?

DIC does not support those discs yet, it will abort reading as soon as protected area is reached.

One could use isobuster and replace those sectors by '0x55' bytes but we have not deceided yet if it should be '0x55's or can be '0x00's for example. If we consider '0x55' bytes then sarami could probably code DIC with that.

My talk to sarami about one of those discs:
I never came back to this topic though.

Test version
20190222 (Windows)
http://www.mediafire.com/file/eq80y20l9 … or_test.7z
20190222 (Linux)
http://www.mediafire.com/file/uw3e03kdk … x_test.tar
added: /sf flag in dvd command
And updated test branch.

user7 wrote:

Sarami can you give me an example command for dumping Mil-CD?

Same as normal CD. There's nothing special. If you want to get the lead-out of 1st session and the lead-in of 2nd session, you can use /ms flag.

But admin's still have been talking about multi-session cue.


I have come across 3 'problem' discs for TG16/PCE that I was hoping to be able to rip.

First up is a game already listed in redump: http://redump.org/disc/2557/
Nekketsu Koukou Dodgeball-bu CD - Soccer-hen, in the latest test version I am getting the following error:

Creating .scm (LBA) 240753/240753
[L:1216] Internal error. Failed to analyze the subchannel. Track[14]/[56]
EndTime: 2019/02/28(Thu) 14:06:46

Log Files ver 20190222

I am able to get this to dump, using dic version: 20180630 31122 (aka DICUI 1.10)
but it does so with each track also having a 'Sub Indexes' version, with tracks 13,14,35,36 not matching the "normal" dump.

Log Files ver 20180630 w/subs

The second and third game issues I believe are related. They are both homebrew games from Mindrec, Implode and Meteor Blaster DX. They exhibit similar behavior, they both appear to rip fine (though in DICUI they don't produce submission files) But the resulting image will not load afterwards in programs like cdmage, or when I try and load them on the actual console.
Loading the rip in isobuster shows track 1 and 10 have "Erroneous sector addresses"
Implode for example lists:

Track 01 appears to be 98% readable (or 2% unreadable)
Following sector addresses were identified as unreadable so far:

Track 10 appears to be 99% readable (or 1% unreadable)
Following sector addresses were identified as unreadable so far:

Implode Logs
Meteor Blaster DX Logs

Hopefully this information is helpful, let me know if you need anymore info and whatever further testing I can provide.


nalsa wrote:

I am able to get this to dump, using dic version: 20180630 31122 (aka DICUI 1.10)
but it does so with each track also having a 'Sub Indexes' version, with tracks 13,14,35,36 not matching the "normal" dump.

Test version
20190302 (Windows)
http://www.mediafire.com/file/eq80y20l9 … or_test.7z
20190302 (Linux)
http://www.mediafire.com/file/uw3e03kdk … x_test.tar
- fixed: misdetecting MCN sector

nalsa wrote:

The second and third game issues

It needs _EccEdc.txt


IIRC, both Implode and Meteor Blaster DX are in some weird format with the 1st track is data with the 00:03:00 pregap.


sarami wrote:

- fixed: misdetecting MCN sector

Works great, looks like this fixed everything on this, but I updated logs in case you needed them: Logs

sarami wrote:

It needs _EccEdc.txt

Got it, I updated the log files to include it (errors present): Implode       Meteor Blaster DX


It seems both imgs aren't descrambled. Because of the weird format? If possible, please dump them by the latest test version.


Yea, not sure why, but instead of descrambling the output on both just shows "Moving .scm to .img"

Updated Logs for test version:
Meteor Blaster DX


nalsa wrote:

just shows "Moving .scm to .img"

Updated. (I've not tested yet.) http://www.mediafire.com/file/eq80y20l9 … or_test.7z


Looks good, it descrambled this time, and reports no errors that I can see, I tested it and it runs on PCE like I would expect. Still doesn't open in cdmage, but that I would assume is down to the weirdness with the format (and I know that software has nothing to do with you).

I have uploaded the logs in case there is anything else you needed to check.
Meteor Blaster DX

Thanks for the quick updates, and getting these working, let me know if there is any further testing, etc. that is needed.

1,741 (edited by ajshell1 2019-03-03 20:24:59)

I found a weird bug with my copy of SWAT 2.

For some reason the SCM and the IMG are identical.

This hasn't happened with any other disc I own.

I'm including logs except for the eccedc.txt file, which just says something like:

"LBA[000000, 0000000], MSF[01:82:00], mode 1 User data vs. ecc/edc doesn't match"

for ALL the sectors on the disc.

EDIT: Based on the sector count and ringcodes, it should match or be similiar to http://redump.org/disc/51572/

EDIT2: I just found an old dump I made of the same disc, I can confirm that this disc matches the one I previously linked.

Post's attachments

SWAT2.zip 288.7 kb, 15 downloads since 2019-03-03 

You don't have the permssions to download the attachments of this post.

1,742 (edited by sarami 2019-03-04 01:28:28)

ajshell1 wrote:

For some reason the SCM and the IMG are identical.

Because this disc has similar format as Implode & Meteor Blaster DX. Latest test version supported the pregap data track.
http://www.mediafire.com/file/uw3e03kdk … ar.gz/file

========== TOC ==========
    Pregap Track   , LBA        0 -        0, Length        1
      Data Track  1, LBA        1 -   314439, Length   314439
========== FULL TOC ==========
    FirstCompleteSession: 1
     LastCompleteSession: 1
    Session 1, Ctl 4, Adr 1, Point 0xa0, FirstTrack  1, Format: CD-DA or CD-ROM
    Session 1, Ctl 4, Adr 1, Point 0xa1,  LastTrack  1
    Session 1, Ctl 4, Adr 1, Point 0xa2,      Lead-out, MSF 69:54:40 (LBA[314590, 0x4ccde])
    Session 1, Ctl 4, Adr 1, Point 0x01,      Track  1, MSF 00:02:01 (LBA[000151, 0x00097])


Hey sarami, can you kindly explain what the /s option for DVD does exactly? I'm dumping a DVD-Video disc protected by CSS/CPPM with it. DIC is reading the disc at an extremely slow speed. Is it normal? Thanks in advance.
# DiscImageCreator.exe dvd i DVD_VIDEO.iso 16 /c
        x86, AnsiBuild, 20190303  04942
         Argument: DVD_VIDEO.iso
         FullPath: E:\Program\Media\Dumping\DiscImageCreator\Test\DVD_VIDEO.iso
            Drive: E:
        Directory: \Program\Media\Dumping\DiscImageCreator\Test\
         Filename: DVD_VIDEO
        Extension: .iso
StartTime: 2019/03/05(Tue) 13:34:13
Set the drive speed: 22160KB/sec
Writing CMI log(LBA)   780663/ 2103663

Now it's 22:37:00


sarami wrote:
ajshell1 wrote:

For some reason the SCM and the IMG are identical.

Latest test version supported the pregap data track.
http://www.mediafire.com/file/uw3e03kdk … ar.gz/file

========== TOC ==========
    Pregap Track   , LBA        0 -        0, Length        1
      Data Track  1, LBA        1 -   314439, Length   314439
========== FULL TOC ==========
    FirstCompleteSession: 1
     LastCompleteSession: 1
    Session 1, Ctl 4, Adr 1, Point 0xa0, FirstTrack  1, Format: CD-DA or CD-ROM
    Session 1, Ctl 4, Adr 1, Point 0xa1,  LastTrack  1
    Session 1, Ctl 4, Adr 1, Point 0xa2,      Lead-out, MSF 69:54:40 (LBA[314590, 0x4ccde])
    Session 1, Ctl 4, Adr 1, Point 0x01,      Track  1, MSF 00:02:01 (LBA[000151, 0x00097])

I see. So there is a sector in the pregap? Interesting. That also explains why using cdrdao to dump this disc produced a file missing that first sector. Interesting.

Hello sarami,

since my Plextor doesn't work anymore with the adapter, I'm forced to install it on an old PC running Windows XP, hence I must use DIC in command line.

Trying to dump Colin McRae Rally 2.0 for PC, it has SafeDisc, but the "subintention.txt" files comes out empty. I have all the logs if you need them.

Salviamo la cultura videoludica italiana.

nightson: https://club.myce.com/t/difference-betw … eed/176851

Read about Plextor SpeedRead. But keep in mind that PlexTools is a true devil and better don't install it or your drive would go to shit...


nightson wrote:

can you kindly explain what the /s option for DVD does exactly? I'm dumping a DVD-Video disc protected by CSS/CPPM with it. DIC is reading the disc at an extremely slow speed. Is it normal?

Yes. I can't understand now why reading speed is slow.

LoStraniero91 wrote:

Trying to dump Colin McRae Rally 2.0 for PC, it has SafeDisc, but the "subintention.txt" files comes out empty.

subintention is for SecuROM or Libcrypt, not SafeDisc. If you use /ns, subintention.txt is created.

1,748 (edited by LoStraniero91 2019-03-07 13:30:13)

sarami wrote:
LoStraniero91 wrote:

Trying to dump Colin McRae Rally 2.0 for PC, it has SafeDisc, but the "subintention.txt" files comes out empty.

subintention is for SecuROM or Libcrypt, not SafeDisc. If you use /ns, subintention.txt is created.

Gotcha! BTW, I've tried the build with /sf flag for DVD with that CMR04 disc with RingProtecH, when it reaches the ring area, it will attempt to re-read the sector 5 times then it just fails. When I start the dump, it says that "the /sf flag is obmitted".

Salviamo la cultura videoludica italiana.


LoStraniero91 wrote:

I've tried the build with /sf flag for DVD with that CMR04 disc with RingProtecH, when it reaches the ring area, it will attempt to re-read the sector 5 times then it just fails. When I start the dump, it says that "the /sf flag is obmitted".

It needs to edit ReadErrorProtect.txt and then use /sf flag.

sarami wrote:
LoStraniero91 wrote:

I've tried the build with /sf flag for DVD with that CMR04 disc with RingProtecH, when it reaches the ring area, it will attempt to re-read the sector 5 times then it just fails. When I start the dump, it says that "the /sf flag is obmitted".

It needs to edit ReadErrorProtect.txt and then use /sf flag.

Still unsure how to make it work. Can you please tell me step by step? Thank you.

Salviamo la cultura videoludica italiana.