F1ReB4LL what disc is that? You know there can be no C2 error but still be intentional header/EDC/ECC errors right? (some psx disc for example with last sector of data track)...
Anyways, better make it so DIC can handle absolute worst case scenario for errors, I guess with some GC disc this is gonna be like 450000-500000 sectors? Maybe you should go back to using files for C2 to avoid excessive ram allocation, or make it sliding window.
Disc I have was having > 80000 error (worst case test).
Someone reported that multiple data tracks weren't dumping proper... seems to work fine for me (D!Zone 3).
Are there hard coded fixes for certain discs in the code? Somebody said there was. I hope you didn't do that, if there is please remove such things and implement proper fixes for them. We do have a couple of other coders you could talk to.