After reading carefully this topic, here I leave you my two cents:
Aren't using the No-Intro's naming convention? Doesn't all the titles in the db have to respect the rules from that standard?
I mean, according to "The Official No-Intro Convention (20071030)", in the "2.1.3 Capitalization" section says:
Generally all common names, adjectives and verbs should be uppercased.
Articles and link words should be lowercased except when first word.
Examples: Adventure of the Hero, Riding in a Car, Travel from Earth to the
Moon, From Earth..., Into the Darkness...
The official title written by the publisher or developer can be used as a
reference including related titles from other media (movie titles). Some titles
also have an unusual capitalization on purpose. In that case, capitalization
should be left as intended.
Example 1: RoboCop (= Roboter + Cop)
Example 2: Sonic The Hedgehog is all uppercase: "The" is his middle name,
not an article.
However titles that are entirely capitalized should be highly avoided except if
the title is an acronym!
So, under these rules, these titles are indeed right written:
"007 - El Mundo Nunca Es Suficiente (Spain)"
"Ciudad de los Niños Perdidos, La"
Now, it will all depend of which naming standards are's currently using.
But looking at Devcon's advices, it seems to be he wants that all the Spanish game titles in the db use the "Real Academia Española" rules, not the No-Intro's rules or whatever be the standard is using.
Under that particular point of view, every game in the db that belongs to a non-english speaking country, should be written according to the specific and official idiom's rules of said countries, and not according to a certain's predefined naming convention.
So, as I said, it will all depend of what naming convention do you use: the official's idioms conventions, the No-Intro convention, the MusicBrainz's convention, etc.
The title says: Disney - El Planeta del Tesoro
I need to say the title is wrong capitalized, yes it's wrong writed on the media, the correct one is "Disney: El planeta del tesoro"
How do you know they wrote it wrong? Did you know which are the standards they used?
Another title i found is incorrect: Manager de liga should be: Mánager de liga.
Again, where did you found that name? Look at these pics:
In those pics. weren't never mentioned the accentuated, loanword "Mánager", contrarily the developers used the original English word. Moreover, according to No-Intro naming convention or the title itself, the right title should be:
"Manager de Liga"
And if you read the "Real Academia Española" rules, you will find that even under those rules, you can write the next game titles without any problems at all:
"007 - El Mundo Nunca Es Suficiente (Spain)"
"Ciudad de los Niños Perdidos, La"
"Manager de Liga"
"Disney - El Planeta del Tesoro"
The above titles are within these rules:
b) (...) Los nombres propios, títulos de obras, dicciones y aun cláusulas que se quiera hacer resaltar, pueden escribirse con todas sus letras mayúsculas; pero en cualquer voz en que se haya de emplear letra mayúscula con una o con diferentes minúsculas, aquella ha de ser la inicial o primera de la dicción.
c) Se escribirán con letra inicial mayúscula:
7.° Los nombres y adjetivos que entraren en el título de cualquier obra: Tratado de Esgrima; Ortografía Castellana; Historia de los Vándalos, etc. No se observa esta regla cuando el título es largo; v. gr.: Del rey abajo, ninguno, y labrador más honrado, García del Castañar.
P.D. Please don't take wrong any of my above comments, I'm not pretending to be a smartass. I'm just trying to help, as all the rest of members that make constructive critics. ![cool](