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I don't think registered members should ask for the Wiki access in the guest section. Try to PM iR0b0t or make a thread in the Dumpers section.


Awesome, I've tried following the GD-Rom guide along (just reading, not testing) and I had no idea what's going on so best of luck.


I'm basically referring to all guides, but relevant to me right now is the GD-ROM guide which I think is overly verbose for beginners. It's not like I feel they're incomprehensible or anything, but as someone coming back to dumping after many years there are some things I think can be made more clear. Specifically with clear-cut examples, especially for most systems/discs we know need special treatment.


Which dumping guides are you referring to, the Disc Image Creator ones? They are pretty much minimal information and as stripped down as much as possible.


While the dumping guides are generally really good, I think I could maybe make them a little bit more noob-friendly.

Could I please have wiki-access so that I can work a bit on them? I'll of course not change anything in the guides directly, but work on a temporary page and then we can discuss the changes smile

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