The subtitle is 君想フ声. Everywhere on the internet has Kimi Omou Koe. I'd like someone to help me understand this.

君 = kimi
想 = sou/omo(u)
フ = fu <--- where did this go???
声 = koe

So the フ character apparently disappeared...? It's certainly not the  'u' in omou, which by the way is usually written as 想う and not just 想. 想い would also be omoi so I don't see too many instances where 想 alone ends in a 'u', in fact I see none...

想フ is just an old way of spelling 想う, I think.

Wikipedia wrote:

The series of kana ha hi fu he ho are used to represent, in some words, the sounds wa, i, u, e, o, respectively.

Goodness gracious, how cryptic. Not only is it historical usage, it's only for certain words. Jeez.

Thank you. When the whole internet has that same spelling, I knew I had to be missing something, I just couldn't see what it was. So when I said it's certainly not the  'u' in omou, I guess that's where I was wrong tongue