(11 replies, posted in General discussion)

I have one simular to that and it still didn't work. I'm waiting for a buddy to get me a system with an ASUS P4 series mobo. Will test it then. If that doesn't work, then we need to look at possible hardware revisions on the Liteon Drive. Mine is an HP OEM refurb

Model: SOHD-167T-CT2G5
F/W 9QSR , which has been changed
H/W: 03.01

Manufactured Date: September 2005
CT: 7958A09WBS6FAM
HP PN: 390816-001


(11 replies, posted in General discussion)

If you have successfully dumped a Dreamcast game with the guide posted here, then please list which drive you used and what the mainboard or motherboard brand and model was in the machine you used to dump with please. We are trying to narrow down the needed hardware to be able to do this task.

iR0b0t :
Drive = Lite-On SOHD-167T
OS = XP Pro w/SP3

also on...
Drive = Lite-On SOHD-167T
OS = XP Pro w/SP3

I have tried on 3 Dells, 1 Compaq and 2 Frankenstein machines (A-Bit MB in one, not sure about the other). None of these have worked. All with fresh installs of XP Pro w/SP3. Any additional information that can be provided here would be great. Right now it is looking like the combo of an ASUS P4* mobo and the Liteon drive seems to work pretty well.

There are actually 2 copies available to me. But it takes some work to do it. The place that I go sells and rents everything in the store. But depending on the sale price of the item, like this one being $79, I had to actually purchase the game, and then make sure to return it with the original receipt within 5 days. They will refund the total minus the $6 rental fee. This company has several locations around and huge selections of games from just about every system out there.


(75 replies, posted in General discussion)

Since it's been a while since this thread has been update, are they any newer tools that are being used to do these dumps? I have a PSP 1001 with CFW 5.00 m33-6 and access to TONS of USA titles. I'm also looking for a list of missing titles so I know what to look for if there is one.

http://forum.redump.org/topic/6845/anot … ification/

Just bought. ...

Disney party $10
Winnie the Pooh $4
Spirits & Spells $10

ordered Jedi Knight II - Jedi Outcast today. Should have it by next week.

one down, six to go...


kiczek wrote:

To dump Wii and Gamecube games using a Wii you need a 8GB and 2GB SD Card respectively also

cIOS rev 17 or 13b
you MUST USE one of these REVISIONs or you will get bad dumps

SuperDump 1.3

if you need any help dumping with the Wii let me know

is this method faster than dumping with rawdump 2.1 and one of the LG drives?

Ghazy wrote:
Havikoro wrote:

This is why the mods of this site need to update all the dumping guides to help avoid issues like this. We know what hardware/software produces good dumps and what doesn't. I still can't believe in the PSP dumping guide it still says to use UMD DAX Dumper Beta 0.2 seriously WTF. I've asked many times for this to be changed and no one listens. So every new PSP dumper that comes to this site thinks umddax produces good dumps which it doesn't we know it underdumps. So they dump with that and submit their data. Due to the lack of updates to the PSP guide there could be many bad dumps in the PSP section.

My point is there are all sorts of methods and tools one can use to dump a game but there needs to be a standard at redump.org that guides people on the methods WE use to properly dump games.


those outdated and incomplete guides hinder many people to contribute to redump (including myself at the beginning). when new members sign up i always see the same questions are asked because it isn't properly explained.
many people are confused and afraid of asking and rather don't bother with complicated methods.
with updated guides it would save both, the staff and the dumpers, much time and trouble.
i'd agree to rewrite some guides.
many guides are already perfect, but psp and dreamcast for example, could be better.

with this post i really don't want to say the work from all the individuals who wrote guides & found dumping-methods is shit. don't get me wrong. i'm thankful to everyone who made redump what it is today. i'm just trying to help improving this wonderful site.

I have been wondering this myself. I have been dumping a collection of Gamecube games at the moment with an LG drive. and it takes about an hour to dump each game with RawDump 2.1. I was curious if this is the best way to do this or if there is a faster and still accurate way to dump them. I do have a soft modded wii if that can be of better use. I also have a launch edition PSP and want to start dumping PSP games as well. So I am looking for the best tools and methods to do this. My other question is, what is the best method to dump Dreamcast GDroms? I do no currently have a BBA, but thought there was a dvd drive that could be used to dump this discs. If so which drive do I need to get and is there a specific firmware needed. Same goes for Xbox and Xbox360. Thanks guys. I know these are newbie questions that probably get asked quite often. Please forgive me there.

Gamefly has Winnie the Pooh's Rumbly Tumbly Adventure is available for rental.

if all goes well, I'll pick up the following three on ebay and dump them.
Spirits and Spells
Disney Sports Football
Disney's Party

I already bought XIII today and will dump is as soon as it gets here.

that only leaves the two expensive ones, Jedi Outcast and Pokemon Box Ruby & Sapphire

are those 12 games still missing or have they been dumped yet?

I'm just curious if redump has managed to complete all US games (not including the demos)