1) after connecting to power no reaction (completely dead)
2) powers on, but doesn't allow to eject tray (no reaction to pressing button)
3) powers on, tries to eject tray, but unsuccessfully
4) powers on, takes disc, but nothing further
5) powers on, takes disc, tries to spin disc, but stops imminently
6) powers on, takes disc, spins, but doesn't appear in windows
7) powers on, takes disc, disc is available in windows, but cannot dump disc

Please add model number, revision and additional symptoms if available.

Blink codes:
cd based: https://web.archive.org/web/20060429232 … art40.html
716: https://web.archive.org/web/20060423023 … AandUF.htm

https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Zvw7v9 … sp=sharing

Users who wish to submit this information to Redump must ensure that all of the fields below are accurate for the exact media they have.
Please double-check to ensure that there are no fields that need verification, such as the version or copy protection.
If there are no fields in need of verification or all fields are accurate, this preamble can be removed before submission.

Common Disc Info:
    Title: Harry Potter i Czara Ognia
     Foreign Title (Non-latin): Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
    Disc Number / Letter: (OPTIONAL)
    Disc Title: Dysk 2
    System: IBM PC compatible
    Media Type: CD-ROM
    Category: Games
    Fully Matching ID: 85643
    Region: Poland
    Languages: SILENCE! (CHANGE THIS)
    Disc Serial: EAP08004778D2

    Ringcode Information:

Data Side Mastering Code (laser branded/etched): Sony DADC<tab>EAP08004778DTWO<tab>01
Data Side Mastering SID Code: IFPI LY34
Data Side Toolstamp or Mastering Code (engraved/stamped): (REQUIRED, IF EXISTS)
Data Side Mould SID Code: IFPI AEW04
Data Side Additional Mould: (REQUIRED, IF EXISTS)
Label Side Mould SID Code: (REQUIRED, IF EXISTS)

    Barcode: 5 035225 054229 >
    Error Count: 574

Serial on box: EAP08005419IS
Serial on manual: EAP08004778M
Serial on disc2 sleve: XXX00004906


    Contents: (OPTIONAL)

Version and Editions:
    Version: (REQUIRED, IF EXISTS)
    Edition/Release: EA Classics

    Primary Volume Descriptor (PVD):

0320 : 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20  20 20 20 20 20 32 30 30                200
0330 : 35 31 30 31 32 32 32 30  30 31 39 30 30 00 32 30   5101222001900.20
0340 : 30 35 31 30 31 32 32 32  30 30 31 39 30 30 00 30   05101222001900.0
0350 : 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30  30 30 30 30 30 30 30 00   000000000000000.
0360 : 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30  30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30   0000000000000000
0370 : 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00   ................

Copy Protection:
    Copy Protection: None found [OMIT FROM SUBMISSION]
    SubIntention Data (SecuROM/LibCrypt): 

Tracks and Write Offsets:

<rom name="HPGOF (Track 0).bin" size="171696" crc="e596076c" md5="999096a5bb07f01f91aa7ee21f5dc7fa" sha1="dc77016e6297f0493bcc93ca6500c017d1a25e1e" />
<rom name="HPGOF.bin" size="788886672" crc="e77ebb79" md5="9fc16fb17d17622ae29182fc20d5f36b" sha1="b340725ff4412ff0d3fd7983f91d3f136f5c37b9" />


  TRACK 01 MODE1/2352
    INDEX 01 00:00:00

    Write Offset: -12

Dumping Info:
    Frontend Version: 3.1.9-70114ee59e42811664dce687b81da967d88fbf62
    Dumping Program: Redumper v2024.05.06 build_325
    Date: 2024-11-27 21:13:08
    Manufacturer: ASUS
    Model: BW-16D1HT
    Firmware: 3.10 (WM01601KL7N4D80731)
    Reported Disc Type: CD-ROM
    C2 Error Count: 0

https://drive.google.com/file/d/1_9dKSr … sp=sharing

Users who wish to submit this information to Redump must ensure that all of the fields below are accurate for the exact media they have.
Please double-check to ensure that there are no fields that need verification, such as the version or copy protection.
If there are no fields in need of verification or all fields are accurate, this preamble can be removed before submission.

Common Disc Info:
    Title: Harry Potter i Czara Ognia
    Foreign Title (Non-latin): Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
    Disc Number / Letter: (OPTIONAL)
    Disc Title: Dysk 1
    System: IBM PC compatible
    Media Type: CD-ROM
    Category: Games
    Fully Matching ID: 85642
    Region: Poland
    Languages: SILENCE! (CHANGE THIS)
    Disc Serial: EAP08004778D

    Ringcode Information:

Data Side Mastering Code (laser branded/etched): Sony DADC<tab>EAP08004778DONE 02
Data Side Mastering SID Code: IFPI LY34
Data Side Toolstamp or Mastering Code (engraved/stamped): (REQUIRED, IF EXISTS)
Data Side Mould SID Code: IFPI 8747
Data Side Additional Mould: (REQUIRED, IF EXISTS)
Label Side Mould SID Code: (REQUIRED, IF EXISTS)

    Barcode: 5 035225 054229 >
    Error Count: 582

Serial on box: EAP08005419IS
Serial on manual: EAP08004778M
Serial on disc2 sleve: XXX00004906


    Contents: (OPTIONAL)

Version and Editions:
    Version: (REQUIRED, IF EXISTS)
    Edition/Release: EA Classics

    Primary Volume Descriptor (PVD):

0320 : 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20  20 20 20 20 20 32 30 30                200
0330 : 35 31 30 31 32 32 31 35  39 32 33 30 30 00 32 30   5101221592300.20
0340 : 30 35 31 30 31 32 32 31  35 39 32 33 30 30 00 30   05101221592300.0
0350 : 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30  30 30 30 30 30 30 30 00   000000000000000.
0360 : 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30  30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30   0000000000000000
0370 : 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00   ................

Copy Protection:
    Copy Protection: EA CdKey Registration Module
    SubIntention Data (SecuROM/LibCrypt): 

Tracks and Write Offsets:

<rom name="HPGOF (Track 0).bin" size="171696" crc="e596076c" md5="999096a5bb07f01f91aa7ee21f5dc7fa" sha1="dc77016e6297f0493bcc93ca6500c017d1a25e1e" />
<rom name="HPGOF.bin" size="788886672" crc="13514b4a" md5="2879e0b1d4041fcc0950358a0b2b18b8" sha1="6fda8155b22a05421b3fb25cb69afc54d040763c" />


  TRACK 01 MODE1/2352
    INDEX 01 00:00:00

    Write Offset: -12

Dumping Info:
    Frontend Version: 3.1.9-70114ee59e42811664dce687b81da967d88fbf62
    Dumping Program: Redumper v2024.05.06 build_325
    Date: 2024-11-27 20:45:29
    Manufacturer: ASUS
    Model: BW-16D1HT
    Firmware: 3.10 (WM01601KL7N4D80731)
    Reported Disc Type: CD-ROM
    C2 Error Count: 0


(0 replies, posted in Verifications)

https://drive.google.com/file/d/19pwnzZ … sp=sharing

Users who wish to submit this information to Redump must ensure that all of the fields below are accurate for the exact media they have.
Please double-check to ensure that there are no fields that need verification, such as the version or copy protection.
If there are no fields in need of verification or all fields are accurate, this preamble can be removed before submission.

Common Disc Info:
    Title: Freedom Fighters
    Disc Number / Letter: (OPTIONAL)
    Disc Title: (OPTIONAL)
    System: IBM PC compatible
    Media Type: CD-ROM
    Category: Games
    Fully Matching ID: 54366
    Region: Poland
    Languages: SILENCE! (CHANGE THIS)
    Disc Serial: IAE08803866D

    Ringcode Information:

Data Side Mastering Code (laser branded/etched): DISCTRONICS IAE08803866D 01
Data Side Mastering SID Code: IFPI L136
Data Side Toolstamp or Mastering Code (engraved/stamped): (REQUIRED, IF EXISTS)
Data Side Mould SID Code: IFPI 04AB
Data Side Additional Mould: (REQUIRED, IF EXISTS)
Label Side Mould SID Code: (REQUIRED, IF EXISTS)

    Barcode: 5 035225 040369
    Error Count: 591
Serial on box: IAP08004486IS (Poland)
Serial on manual: IAP08803866M (Poland)


    Contents: (OPTIONAL)

Version and Editions:
    Version: (REQUIRED, IF EXISTS)
    Edition/Release: EA Classics

    Primary Volume Descriptor (PVD):

0320 : 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20  20 20 20 20 20 32 30 30                200
0330 : 33 30 38 32 39 30 30 34  37 30 34 30 30 00 32 30   3082900470400.20
0340 : 30 33 30 38 32 39 30 30  34 37 30 34 30 30 00 30   03082900470400.0
0350 : 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30  30 30 30 30 30 30 30 00   000000000000000.
0360 : 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30  30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30   0000000000000000
0370 : 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00   ................

Copy Protection:
    Copy Protection: EA CdKey Registration Module, EA CdKey Registration Module, SafeDisc 1.06.000+
    SubIntention Data (SecuROM/LibCrypt): 

Tracks and Write Offsets:

<rom name="FREEDOM FIGHTERS (Track 0).bin" size="166992" crc="b794b9ed" md5="03963d93d1057c996d8672cacd9b0dd0" sha1="d81ae371b7a82cafda990507ef0667ae00ab438b" />
<rom name="FREEDOM FIGHTERS.bin" size="815363136" crc="b3fd7d02" md5="c9c444288af86d41eba888db32ebeafa" sha1="1246a68f92bbf94778cf139b907348a45002756c" />


  TRACK 01 MODE1/2352
    INDEX 01 00:00:00

    Write Offset: -12

Dumping Info:
    Frontend Version: 3.1.9-70114ee59e42811664dce687b81da967d88fbf62
    Dumping Program: Redumper v2024.05.06 build_325
    Date: 2024-11-26 21:59:47
    Manufacturer: ASUS
    Model: BW-16D1HT
    Firmware: 3.10 (WM01601KL7N4D80731)
    Reported Disc Type: CD-ROM
    C2 Error Count: 0

https://drive.google.com/file/d/13NeAV1 … drive_link

Users who wish to submit this information to Redump must ensure that all of the fields below are accurate for the exact media they have.
Please double-check to ensure that there are no fields that need verification, such as the version or copy protection.
If there are no fields in need of verification or all fields are accurate, this preamble can be removed before submission.

Common Disc Info:
    Title: Heroes of Might and Magic III Złota Edycja
    Disc Number / Letter: 2
    Disc Title: 
    System: IBM PC compatible
    Media Type: CD-ROM
    Category: Games
    Fully Matching ID: 112836
    Region: Poland
    Languages: SILENCE! (CHANGE THIS)
    Disc Serial: (REQUIRED, IF EXISTS)

    Ringcode Information:

Data Side Mastering Code (laser branded/etched): CDPROJEKT<tab>1401488604<tab>HE3ZEE HoM&M III ZE CD 2<tab>GM Records
Data Side Mastering SID Code: IFPI LT57
Data Side Toolstamp or Mastering Code (engraved/stamped): (REQUIRED, IF EXISTS)
Data Side Mould SID Code: IFPI Z944
Data Side Additional Mould: (REQUIRED, IF EXISTS)
Label Side Mould SID Code: (REQUIRED, IF EXISTS)

    Barcode: 5 907610 711355
    Error Count: 0


    Contents: (OPTIONAL)

Version and Editions:
    Version: (REQUIRED, IF EXISTS)
    Edition/Release: (VERIFY THIS) Original

    Primary Volume Descriptor (PVD):

0320 : 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20  20 20 20 20 20 32 30 30                200
0330 : 36 30 34 31 33 30 39 31  34 30 30 30 30 08 32 30   6041309140000.20
0340 : 30 36 30 34 31 33 30 39  31 34 30 30 30 30 08 30   06041309140000.0
0350 : 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30  30 30 30 30 30 30 30 00   000000000000000.
0360 : 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30  30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30   0000000000000000
0370 : 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00   ................

Copy Protection:
    Copy Protection: None found [OMIT FROM SUBMISSION]
    SubIntention Data (SecuROM/LibCrypt): 

Tracks and Write Offsets:

<rom name="DISK2.bin" size="726431664" crc="80687768" md5="2a7c85b4e863de0a3cb652b02b760c43" sha1="119e0584c540a4d7bac7db29e8bcbd66fd6544d0" />


  TRACK 01 MODE1/2352
    INDEX 01 00:00:00

    Write Offset: 0

Dumping Info:
    Frontend Version: 3.1.9-70114ee59e42811664dce687b81da967d88fbf62
    Dumping Program: Redumper v2024.05.06 build_325
    Date: 2024-08-12 18:01:53
    Manufacturer: PLEXTOR
    Model: DVDR PX-708A
    Firmware: 1.12 (03/13/06 21:00)
    Reported Disc Type: CD-ROM
    C2 Error Count: 0

Logs: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1W2qILk … drive_link

Users who wish to submit this information to Redump must ensure that all of the fields below are accurate for the exact media they have.
Please double-check to ensure that there are no fields that need verification, such as the version or copy protection.
If there are no fields in need of verification or all fields are accurate, this preamble can be removed before submission.

Common Disc Info:
    Title: Heroes of Might and Magic III Złota Edycja
    Disc Number / Letter: 1
    Disc Title: 
    System: IBM PC compatible
    Media Type: CD-ROM
    Category: Games
    Fully Matching ID: 112835
    Region: Poland
    Languages: SILENCE! (CHANGE THIS)
    Disc Serial: (REQUIRED, IF EXISTS)

    Ringcode Information:

Data Side Mastering Code (laser branded/etched): CDPROJEKT<tab>1401488504<tab>HE3ZEE HoM&M III ZE CD 1<tab>GM Records
Data Side Mastering SID Code: IFPI LT57
Data Side Toolstamp or Mastering Code (engraved/stamped): (REQUIRED, IF EXISTS)
Data Side Mould SID Code: Z944
Data Side Additional Mould: (REQUIRED, IF EXISTS)
Label Side Mould SID Code: (REQUIRED, IF EXISTS)

    Barcode: 5 907610 711355
    Error Count: 0


    Contents: (OPTIONAL)

Version and Editions:
    Version: (REQUIRED, IF EXISTS)
    Edition/Release: (VERIFY THIS) Original

    Primary Volume Descriptor (PVD):

0320 : 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20  20 20 20 20 20 32 30 30                200
0330 : 36 30 34 31 31 31 30 34  33 30 30 30 30 08 32 30   6041110430000.20
0340 : 30 36 30 34 31 31 31 30  34 33 30 30 30 30 08 30   06041110430000.0
0350 : 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30  30 30 30 30 30 30 30 00   000000000000000.
0360 : 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30  30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30   0000000000000000
0370 : 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00   ................

Copy Protection:
    Copy Protection: Exception occurred while scanning [RESCAN NEEDED], SafeDisc 1, SafeDisc 1.40.004
    SubIntention Data (SecuROM/LibCrypt): 

Tracks and Write Offsets:

<rom name="DISK1.bin" size="434054544" crc="d0279edd" md5="abc5556e2ec774cc3672f7da3193e2cf" sha1="ba9c35a70e1322c613147a2b0741bd5eaa997184" />


  TRACK 01 MODE1/2352
    INDEX 01 00:00:00

    Write Offset: 0

Dumping Info:
    Frontend Version: 3.1.9-70114ee59e42811664dce687b81da967d88fbf62
    Dumping Program: Redumper v2024.05.06 build_325
    Date: 2024-08-12 15:46:28
    Manufacturer: PLEXTOR
    Model: DVDR PX-708A
    Firmware: 1.12 (03/13/06 21:00)
    Reported Disc Type: CD-ROM
    C2 Error Count: 0


(0 replies, posted in Verifications)

Logs: https://drive.google.com/file/d/17YPTmy … sp=sharing

Users who wish to submit this information to Redump must ensure that all of the fields below are accurate for the exact media they have.
Please double-check to ensure that there are no fields that need verification, such as the version or copy protection.
If there are no fields in need of verification or all fields are accurate, this preamble can be removed before submission.

Common Disc Info:
    Title: Kohan II: Kings of War
    Disc Number / Letter: (OPTIONAL)
    Disc Title: (OPTIONAL)
    System: IBM PC compatible
    Media Type: CD-ROM
    Category: Games
    Fully Matching ID: 47180
    Region: Poland
    Languages: SILENCE! (CHANGE THIS)
    Disc Serial: (REQUIRED, IF EXISTS)

    Ringcode Information:

Data Side Mastering Code (laser branded/etched): deluxe KOHAN2 03
Data Side Mastering SID Code: IFPI 04AR, IFPI L136
Data Side Toolstamp or Mastering Code (engraved/stamped): (REQUIRED, IF EXISTS)
Data Side Mould SID Code: IFPI 0473
Data Side Additional Mould: MADE IN THE UK
Label Side Mould SID Code: (REQUIRED, IF EXISTS)

    Barcode: 5 903033 008324
    Error Count: 0

Game ID: KOHAN2/INLAY/POL (Inlay), KOHAN2/INSTRUKCJA/POL (Manual), KOHAN2/CARD/E (Reference Card)


    Contents: (OPTIONAL)

Version and Editions:
    Version: (REQUIRED, IF EXISTS)
    Edition/Release: Original

    Primary Volume Descriptor (PVD):

0320 : 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20  20 20 20 20 20 32 30 30                200
0330 : 34 30 38 31 30 31 34 35  32 30 30 30 30 04 32 30   4081014520000.20
0340 : 30 34 30 38 31 30 31 34  35 32 30 30 30 30 04 30   04081014520000.0
0350 : 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30  30 30 30 30 30 30 30 00   000000000000000.
0360 : 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30  30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30   0000000000000000
0370 : 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00   ................

Copy Protection:
    Copy Protection: None found [OMIT FROM SUBMISSION]
    SubIntention Data (SecuROM/LibCrypt):

MSF: 00:01:74 Q-Data: 410100 00:40:01 00 00:03:74 2EF1
MSF: 01:08:50 Q-Data: 410101 21:06:50 00 05:08:50 0A8F
MSF: 01:24:45 Q-Data: 410101 21:22:45 00 05:24:45 1F34
MSF: 01:31:30 Q-Data: 410101 01:29:38 00 01:31:20 30F3
MSF: 01:40:56 Q-Data: 410101 01:3A:56 00 01:00:56 8C86
MSF: 02:08:61 Q-Data: 410101 02:46:61 00 02:0A:61 0B90
MSF: 02:21:69 Q-Data: 410101 02:19:68 00 02:21:E9 EB4C
MSF: 02:49:35 Q-Data: 410101 22:47:35 00 06:49:35 9C98
MSF: 02:51:04 Q-Data: 410101 02:48:04 00 02:D1:04 162C
MSF: 02:56:50 Q-Data: 410101 03:54:50 00 82:56:50 5D39
MSF: 03:32:18 Q-Data: 410101 03:30:58 00 03:32:1A 96B6

Tracks and Write Offsets:

<rom name="Kohan II KOW.bin" size="660580368" crc="78fe201c" md5="6c8651b62530b0fd92dc881ffa7a78ff" sha1="f0e99284e0547eaeb0efb3f1b5d52f7d684501d7" />


  TRACK 01 MODE1/2352
    INDEX 01 00:00:00

    Write Offset: -12

Dumping Info:
    Frontend Version: 3.1.9-70114ee59e42811664dce687b81da967d88fbf62
    Dumping Program: Redumper v2024.05.06 build_325
    Date: 2024-11-25 19:36:26
    Manufacturer: PLEXTOR
    Model: CD-R PX-W4012A
    Firmware: 1.07 (03/22/06 09:00)
    Reported Disc Type: CD-ROM
    C2 Error Count: 0

https://drive.google.com/file/d/1zdRGjZ … sp=sharing

Users who wish to submit this information to Redump must ensure that all of the fields below are accurate for the exact media they have.
Please double-check to ensure that there are no fields that need verification, such as the version or copy protection.
If there are no fields in need of verification or all fields are accurate, this preamble can be removed before submission.

Common Disc Info:
    Title: Harry Potter i Kamień Filozoficzny
    Disc Number / Letter: (OPTIONAL)
    Disc Title: (OPTIONAL)
    System: IBM PC compatible
    Media Type: CD-ROM
    Category: Games
    Fully Matching ID: 85644
    Region: Poland
    Languages: SILENCE! (CHANGE THIS)
    Disc Serial: EAX08004685D

    Ringcode Information:

Data Side Mastering Code (laser branded/etched): Sony DADC<tab>EAP08903549DR0<tab>05
Data Side Mastering SID Code: IFPI LY34
Data Side Toolstamp or Mastering Code (engraved/stamped): (REQUIRED, IF EXISTS)
Data Side Mould SID Code: IFPI 8473
Data Side Additional Mould: (REQUIRED, IF EXISTS)
Label Side Mould SID Code: (REQUIRED, IF EXISTS)

    Barcode: 5 035225 044770 >
    Error Count: 583

English title: Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone

Electronic Arts ID:
EAP08004685IS (Box)
EAP08004685M (Manual)
EAP08004685Y (Guide)


    Contents: (OPTIONAL)

Version and Editions:
    Version: (REQUIRED, IF EXISTS)
    Edition/Release: EA Classics

    Primary Volume Descriptor (PVD):

0320 : 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20  20 20 20 20 20 32 30 30                200
0330 : 31 31 30 33 31 31 32 35  34 32 39 30 30 00 32 30   1103112542900.20
0340 : 30 31 31 30 33 31 31 32  35 34 32 39 30 30 00 30   01103112542900.0
0350 : 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30  30 30 30 30 30 30 30 00   000000000000000.
0360 : 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30  30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30   0000000000000000
0370 : 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00   ................

Copy Protection:
    Copy Protection: SafeDisc 2.40.010

Tracks and Write Offsets:

<rom name="HARRY_POTTER_POL.bin" size="591774960" crc="8e1d3b2c" md5="bf53a77e2d4c4a41ddacbb9673e02b8c" sha1="9257e643eca58cfdde1fa0a283b0fe7329eb5ce9" />


  TRACK 01 MODE1/2352
    INDEX 01 00:00:00

    Write Offset: -12

Dumping Info:
    Dumping Program: DiscImageCreator 20240101
    Date: 2024-01-30 19:51:44
    Manufacturer: PLEXTOR
    Model: CD-R    PX-W4012A
    Firmware: 1.07
    Reported Disc Type: CD-DA or CD-ROM Disc

Probably other programs are lowering read speed internally. Try x8 (or even lower) with 2000 retries. Also recommend DIC, as redumper has problem with refreshing cache on asus. (So 10 and 1000 retries may have the same result.)

Each time you notice such disc please add logs here.

Tried to dump and x8 and it is able to match hash.

Here are 4 logs with different combinations asus, plextor, dic and redumper. The issue I have is plextor giving different hashes.


Asus + redumper https://drive.google.com/file/d/1o6zgQk … sp=sharing
Asus + dic https://drive.google.com/file/d/1onIVP1 … sp=sharing
Plextor + redumper https://drive.google.com/file/d/1qX1W5J … sp=sharing
Plextor + dic https://drive.google.com/file/d/1wmSpJe … sp=sharing

(Worth noting plextor is giving different hashes on dic and redumper and none of them is matching)


(3,531 replies, posted in General discussion)

IIRC newer versions of MPF (>2.4) are less proactive in unpacking CAB files.

How to reproduce and can this be mitigated?

It's getting difficult to get good plextor, and some of people only need/want to do backups and use checksum to validate it. This rises question what properties do drives need? (We can assume that hash is known.)

0) Reading method.
When BE method is enough? (instead of D8/BE CDDA)

1) subchannels
Can we check from redump entry if this is required?

2) LeadIn and LeadOut
Like subchannels.

4) C2
Lack of C2 means lack of error correction, or completely lack of error detection (so we don't know which sectors are bad)?

Older plextors do support D8 command, but don't support this part. Again can we check from redump entry if this is required?

Another goal of this post is to allow detecting unique discs. If disc should be dumpable on this drive and generate X hash, but doesn't, then probably it's best to send to someone else.

1) Please don't hoard or inflate prices of these drivers.
2) Info about unconfirmed drives on list can be wrong.
3) There's always a chance that there will be different revision with different laser, so don't overpay.
4) Replacement lasers from aliexpress seem to be low quality, and I've noticed many people recommending to use used laser from donor board.

Opu means laser unit/module.

    OPU: SRU3041 (difficult to source, only seen in plextors so far)
    Tutorial laser replacement https://forum.cdrinfo.pl/f2/plextor-pre … era-97354/
    OPU: Sankyo PXR-550
    TEAC CD-540-E (untested)
    Tutorial bearing replacement: https://www.mattmillman.com/restoring-a … rom-drive/
PX-708 / PX-712 (SF-DB10)
    Sanyo SF-DB10:
        MSI DR8-A(MS-8408a) (unchecked)
        NEC ND-1000A (unchecked)
        NEC ND-1100A (confirmed by Colek, also according to czarymary not compatible,  so for now I'd recommend not getting one)) Clones: HP dvd300n, Mitsumi DW-7801TE, Philips DVDRW416N, Plextor PX-504A, TDK 420N
        NEC ND-1300A (Tried by me (not working), also according to czarymary not compatible,  so for now I'd recommend not getting one) Clones: Mitsumi DW-7802TE, Samsung SR-W04B, TDK 0404N
        NEC ND-2500A (unchecked, according to czarymary not compatible, so for now I'd recommend not getting one) Clones: AOpen DRW8800/AAN, HP dvd420n, Ricoh MP5308D, TDK 880N
        NEC ND-2510A (unchecked, according to czarymary not compatible, so for now I'd recommend not getting one) Clones: HP dvd520n, TDK 882N
    Sanyo SF-DB10SA:
        Lite-On LDW-401S (unchecked)
        Lite-On LDW-411S (unchecked)
        Lite-On LDW-811S (Clone: TEAC DV-W58G) (checked by colek different connector)

    Sanyo SF-DB10SC:
        Sanyo CRD-BPDV2 (unchecked, weird) Sony DRU-530A, Accesstek/Optorite DD0201, Optorite DD0203, MSI DR4-A
        Sanyo CRD-BPDV3 (unchecked, weird) Sony DRU-530A, Accesstek/Optorite DD0401, Optorite DD0405,Accesstek TDD0201, MSI DR4-A,
    Sanyo SF-DB10SL:
        Lite-On LDW-451S (Clones: 4kus DRW-1S45, Freecom RW4J1)(unchecked)
        Lite-On LDW-851S (Clones: Waitec ACTION8/1, GIGABYTE GO-W0804A)(checked by me)
        Lite-On SOHW-812S (Clones: Sony DW-U18A, TEAC DV-W58G-A, 4kus DRW-2S81, Freecom RW8J1, GIGABYTE GO-W0808A, Hivision DRW-2S81) (unchecked)
        Lite-On SOHW-832S (Clones: HP dvd530r, Sony DRU-700A / DW-D18A, Hivision DRW-2S83, Philips ED8DVDRW)
PX-716 (SRU3541)
    unique laser (only other 716 can be used as source of parts)
PX-755 (SF-DS10K or SF-DS10L) / PX-760 (SF-DS10N)
    Tutorial laser replacement: https://forum.cdrinfo.pl/f15/plextor-px … opu-95847/
    Sanyo SF-DS10:
        SHW-160P6S (AOpen DUW1616L PRO, HP dvd735d, Philips SPD2401L, Sony DW-Q120A, TEAC DV-W516GD ) (unchecked)
        SHW-160H6S (HP dvd740r ) (unchecked)
        SHM-165P6S (AOpen DSW1685L, Philips SPD2410L1, Sony DW-G120A, TEAC DV-W516GDM) (unchecked)
        SHM-165H6S ( HP dvd840d, Philips SPD6001L, Sony DW-G121A) (unchecked)
        SHM-165S6S (unchecked)
        LH-16A1P (unchecked)

        ND-3550A/3551A ( Mad Dog MD-16X2DVD9-8X) (unchecked)
        ND-4550A/4551A (unchecked)
        ND-3650A (unchecked)
        ND-4650A (unchecked)

//PX-W1210 (only SCSI version seems to be compatible with DIC other are using different chipset)
     Sanyo LC898023KW  opu unknown for now
    OPU: SF-W33L
        Potential replacements:
            Teac CD-W540E (40x12x48): Sanyo LC898094 (same chipset as W4012) + Sanyo SF-W33L (unchecked)
            LiteOn LTR-32123S Sanyo SF-W33L (unchecked)
            BTC-BCE 4016IM (unchecked)
//PX-W4220T (only SCSI version seems to be compatible with DIC)
    Sanyo LC898095
    AKM AK8560
    Rohm BD7902FS
    TSOP48 soldered flash: SST MPF 39LF400A (512 kB, parallel)
    RAM: GLT5640L16-5.5TC (182 MHz?, SDRAM)
    OPU: SRU3041 (doesn't say that on the label or on the mechanism. This information is sourced from somewhere on the Internet(olo)) (difficult to source, only seen in plextors so far)
    Sanyo LC898095
    AKM AK8560
    Rohm BD7902FS
    TSOP48 soldered flash: SST MPF 39LF400A (512 kB, parallel)
    RAM to check
    OPU: SRU3041 (difficult to source, only seen in plextors so far)
    Different MB than W4824

List v1.16


(3,531 replies, posted in General discussion)

I do have PX-4012 and Premium. Just recently was looking at getting information about replacement lasers for plextors, and this seemed interesting for me.


(3,531 replies, posted in General discussion)

sarami, btw have you seen this info? Seems like plextor as well as other companies have agreed to block reading discs with Cactus or safedisc 2.0. (Seems like it's a change in firmware and newer revisions (TLA) are not able to be flashed with older firmware.)

PX-W2410 (from link)
    TLA#0000 - copies everything
    TLA#0100 - doesn't copy CDS 100 and some CDS 200
    TLA#0101 - doesn't copy 100 i 200 and there are problems with copying games

https://www.cdrinfo.pl/news/tla-w-plext … 2410-1385/

Here about safedisc 2.0. List of good firmwares (Plextor intentionally has removed it from website):
Plextor PX-W1210A 1.01 i 1.04
Plextor PX-W124 - 1.04
Plextor PX-W8432 - 1.05
PX-W8220T - 1.04
(Newer TLA aka revision may be not able to use old firmware)


I wonder, if there are potentially more drivers which could be used for redump.


(3,531 replies, posted in General discussion)

Hi, what does (*4) mean her e? (Was wondering about compatibility of W1210)
https://github.com/saramibreak/DiscImag … ve.txt#L54

Edit: Sorry, I missed note below. So only PX-W1210TS is supported?