Can you join VGPC discord for assistance?
1 2024-09-20 14:32:02
Re: Help Dumping "Simpsons, The - Hit & Run (France) (Disc 1)" (5 replies, posted in General discussion)
2 2024-09-20 14:31:07
Re: Help Dumping "Simpsons, The - Hit & Run (France) (Disc 1)" (5 replies, posted in General discussion)
URL fix:
3 2024-09-16 13:59:52
Re: [PC][DVD ROM] Ring code info – Could someone walk me through this? (2 replies, posted in General discussion)
Please join VGPC discord for assistance.
4 2024-09-16 13:55:49
Re: [Dreamcast] House of the Dead 2 - Ringcode HDR-0007-0050A (1 replies, posted in General discussion)
Yes, "HDR-0007-0050A" (V1.009) needs a verification:
5 2024-07-18 17:22:19
Re: Recommended way to deal with IDE to USB adapter blocking molex? (3 replies, posted in General discussion)
Use this adapter. It is redumper-compatible and does not block the molex power connector on IDE Plextor drives.
6 2024-05-11 16:51:25
Re: DiscImageCreator (3,531 replies, posted in General discussion)
Thank you for confirming. I’m not sure what the correct behavior should be, even if it would be limited to some drives.
7 2024-05-10 17:45:17
Re: DiscImageCreator (3,531 replies, posted in General discussion)
Here is where the MCN is being pulled (reference):
[LBA: -151, LBAQ: 134850] control: 0000, ADR: 2, 12 34 56 78 90 12 30 00 00, crc: D1EB (+) P: 0/96
8 2024-05-10 13:58:53
Re: DiscImageCreator (3,531 replies, posted in General discussion)
Reported redumper issue here:
9 2024-05-09 01:30:40
Re: DiscImageCreator (3,531 replies, posted in General discussion) … odown-iii/
When dumped with DiscImageCreator, it does not produce a CATALOG in the cuesheet. When dumped with redumper, it does. Which one is correct?
DIC logs: … sp=sharing
10 2024-05-08 15:37:41
Topic: Neo Geo CD - EXE date (0 replies, posted in General discussion)
How is the EXE date determined for Neo Geo CD discs?
Example: … i-shodown/
11 2024-03-28 16:11:15
Re: ISO to BIN CUE conversion question (1 replies, posted in General discussion)
BIN/CUE (MODE 2352) produced by redumper or DiscImageCreator (the hashes datted on Redump) are not conversions of ISO (MODE 2048), nor is the ISO format produced by these tools.
12 2024-02-24 07:28:31
Re: DiscImageCreator (3,531 replies, posted in General discussion)
1. Audio only disc (fails at this point)
LBA[000000, 0000000]: [F:ReadCDForCheckingSubQ1stIndex][L:974]
Opcode: 0xbe
ScsiStatus: 0x02 = CHECK_CONDITION
SenseData Key-Asc-Ascq: 03-11-05 = MEDIUM_ERROR - L-EC UNCORRECTABLE ERROR
lpCmd: be, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 01, f8, 01, 00
dwBufSize: 2448
2. Data only disc
32 bit, AnsiBuild, 20240224T144036
/c2 val2 was omitted. set [16]
/c2 val3 was omitted. set [0]
/c2 val4 was omitted. set [0]
/sf val was omitted. set [60]
Argument: ISO\DN3D_REG\DN3D_REG.bin
FullPath: D:\MPF_3.1.0\ISO\DN3D_REG\DN3D_REG.bin
Drive: D:
Directory: \MPF_3.1.0\ISO\DN3D_REG\
Filename: DN3D_REG
Extension: .bin
StartTime: 2024-02-24T00:27:42-0600
Set the drive speed: 2822KB/sec
DiskSize of [D:\MPF_3.1.0\ISO\DN3D_REG]
Total: 22000951091200 bytes
Used: 2102318620672 bytes
Space: 19898632470528 bytes
=> There is enough disk space for dumping
Check if scrambled reading is supported
[INFO] This drive supports scrambled reading
Check if subchannel pack mode is supported
LBA[000000, 0000000]: [F:ReadCDForCheckingSubPack][L:1254]
Opcode: 0xbe
ScsiStatus: 0x02 = CHECK_CONDITION
lpCmd: be, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 01, f8, 04, 00
dwBufSize: 2448
[WARNING] This drive does not support subchannel pack mode
Reading DirectoryRecord 25/ 25
Checking EXE 76
[INFO] Protection can't be detected. /sf, /ss is ignored.
This drive (BW-16D1HT 3.10 WM01601KLZN4DA2714 ) can read data sectors at scrambled state [OpCode: 0xbe, C2flag: 1, SubCode: 0]
This drive (BW-16D1HT 3.10 WM01601KLZN4DA2714 ) can read data sectors at scrambled state [OpCode: 0xbe, C2flag: 1, SubCode: 1]
This drive (BW-16D1HT 3.10 WM01601KLZN4DA2714 ) can read data sectors at scrambled state [OpCode: 0xbe, C2flag: 1, SubCode: 2]
This drive (BW-16D1HT 3.10 WM01601KLZN4DA2714 ) can read data sectors at scrambled state [OpCode: 0xbe, C2flag: 1, SubCode: 4]
Checking SubQ adr (Track) 1/ 1
Checking reading lead-out -> OK (LBA 50849)
Set OpCode: 0xbe, SubCode: 1(Raw)
Checking SubQ ctl (Track) 1/ 1
Creating .scm (LBA) 50849/ 50849
No C2 errors
Copying .scm to .img
3. Data + Audio disc
32 bit, AnsiBuild, 20240224T144036
/c2 val2 was omitted. set [8]
/c2 val3 was omitted. set [0]
/c2 val4 was omitted. set [0]
/sf val was omitted. set [60]
Argument: ISO\Manhole, The (USA)\Manhole, The (USA).bin
FullPath: D:\MPF_3.1.0\ISO\Manhole, The (USA)\Manhole, The (USA).bin
Drive: D:
Directory: \MPF_3.1.0\ISO\Manhole, The (USA)\
Filename: Manhole, The (USA)
Extension: .bin
StartTime: 2024-02-24T00:33:32-0600
Set the drive speed: 1411KB/sec
DiskSize of [D:\MPF_3.1.0\ISO\Manhole, The (USA)]
Total: 22000951091200 bytes
Used: 2102679584768 bytes
Space: 19898271506432 bytes
=> There is enough disk space for dumping
Check if scrambled reading is supported
[INFO] This drive supports scrambled reading
Check if subchannel pack mode is supported
LBA[000000, 0000000]: [F:ReadCDForCheckingSubPack][L:1254]
Opcode: 0xbe
ScsiStatus: 0x02 = CHECK_CONDITION
lpCmd: be, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 01, f8, 04, 00
dwBufSize: 2448
[WARNING] This drive does not support subchannel pack mode
[INFO] Protection can't be detected. /sf, /ss is ignored.
This drive (BW-16D1HT 3.10 WM01601KLZN4DA2714 ) can read data sectors at scrambled state [OpCode: 0xbe, C2flag: 1, SubCode: 0]
This drive (BW-16D1HT 3.10 WM01601KLZN4DA2714 ) can read data sectors at scrambled state [OpCode: 0xbe, C2flag: 1, SubCode: 1]
This drive (BW-16D1HT 3.10 WM01601KLZN4DA2714 ) can read data sectors at scrambled state [OpCode: 0xbe, C2flag: 1, SubCode: 2]
This drive (BW-16D1HT 3.10 WM01601KLZN4DA2714 ) can read data sectors at scrambled state [OpCode: 0xbe, C2flag: 1, SubCode: 4]
Checking SubQ adr (Track) 17/17
Checking reading lead-out -> OK (LBA 111603)
Set OpCode: 0xbe, SubCode: 1(Raw)
Checking SubQ ctl (Track) 17/17
Creating .scm (LBA) 111607/111607
13 2024-02-21 20:40:37
Re: DiscImageCreator (3,531 replies, posted in General discussion)
It works with build 20230606, so there was a regression at some point afterwards.
14 2024-02-20 19:00:58
Re: DiscImageCreator (3,531 replies, posted in General discussion)
With an ASUS BW-16D1HT with RibShark's 3.10 fw on build 20240216, the following error is produced with aborts the dump for dumping any Audio CD (works fine with build 20230606):
LBA[000000, 0000000]: [F:ReadCDForCheckingSubQ1stIndex][L:974]
Opcode: 0xbe
ScsiStatus: 0x02 = CHECK_CONDITION
SenseData Key-Asc-Ascq: 03-11-05 = MEDIUM_ERROR - L-EC UNCORRECTABLE ERROR
lpCmd: be, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 01, f8, 01, 00
dwBufSize: 2448
15 2024-02-20 18:37:28
Re: DiscImageCreator (3,531 replies, posted in General discussion)
Excellent, when I re-dumped with the /c2 flag re-enabled, CD+G works.
I saw something odd in the _20240216T230252.txt file (see the last line below):
cd F:\ Information Society - Information Society (USA).bin 8 /c2 20 /q /s 2
(Subs indexes).cue are opened
(Subs indexes)(Track 1).bin are opened
(Subs indexes)(Track 2).bin are opened
(Subs indexes)(Track 3).bin are opened
(Subs indexes)(Track 4).bin are opened
(Subs indexes)(Track 5).bin are opened
(Subs indexes)(Track 6).bin are opened
(Subs indexes)(Track 7).bin are opened
(Subs indexes)(Track 8).bin are opened
(Subs indexes)(Track 9).bin are opened
(Subs indexes)(Track 10).bin are opened
[F:ConcatenateFromPregapToLeadout][L:2984] GetLastError: 2, The system cannot find the file specified.
16 2024-02-19 16:22:09
Re: DiscImageCreator (3,531 replies, posted in General discussion)
Does not work. I tested with the latest nightly build of ares with its CD+G support for MegaCD.
When I replaced the DIC-generated .sub with the one generated by CloneCD, CD+G works.
You can test CD+G for yourself with the nightly build here: … ag/nightly
17 2024-02-15 18:38:11
Re: DiscImageCreator (3,531 replies, posted in General discussion)
DIC sub CloneCD_sub
In _subReadable.txt, I noticed it is not logging any TV-GRAPHICS instructions for track 01, even though the first track of this disc has CD+G content.
Is this the correct command syntax, or is there a particular flag I need to provide for "Pack mode sub"?
cd H:\ Information Society - Information Society (USA).bin 8 /q /s 2
18 2024-02-15 08:54:03
Re: DiscImageCreator (3,531 replies, posted in General discussion)
Do you know if DiscImageCreator is stripping out subcode channels R through W in the .sub file?
I recently dumped a CD+G disc with both CloneCD and DiscImageCreator. Testing the ccd/img/sub produced by CloneCD on my Sega Saturn produces the graphics I expect. With the ccd/img/sub produced by DiscImageCreator, it does not produce any graphics whatsoever, as though it was a plain audio CD.
19 2024-01-26 18:40:37
Re: Seriously looking for a Redump-approved Plextor drive now (1 replies, posted in General discussion)
I would ask in VGPC discord.
20 2024-01-18 16:36:11
Re: Cannot add attachments to my posts ("File has never been downloaded") (5 replies, posted in General discussion)
A simple windows batch script that will recompress .zip to .7z (depending on where 7-zip was installed, you may need to edit the paths):
@echo off
for %%F in (*.zip,*.rar) do ( "C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe" x -y -o"%%F_tmp" "%%F" * & pushd %%F_tmp & "C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe" a -y -r -t7z -mx9 -md1024m -mfb256 ..\"%%~nF".7z * & popd & rmdir /s /q "%%F_tmp" )
Or the following, which will automatically split the 7-zip into 2000000-byte chunks that can be directly attached to the post:
@echo off
for %%F in (*.zip,*.rar) do ( "C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe" x -y -o"%%F_tmp" "%%F" * & pushd %%F_tmp & "C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe" a -y -r -t7z -mx9 -md1024m -mfb256 -v2000000b ..\"%%~nF".7z * & popd & rmdir /s /q "%%F_tmp" )
21 2024-01-18 16:24:31
Re: Cannot add attachments to my posts ("File has never been downloaded") (5 replies, posted in General discussion)
You can re-compress zip files to 7z which can sometimes result in file sizes being reduced below the 2000000 byte limit (~1.90MB) per file.
22 2024-01-02 17:07:36
Re: DiscImageCreator (3,531 replies, posted in General discussion)
The following issue was encountered with DiscImageCreator 20230606: … ke-france/
23 2023-10-08 07:33:02
Re: Dumping DVDs RAW - An ongoing investigation (we need your help!) (63 replies, posted in General discussion)
24 2023-10-08 03:42:13
Re: Dumping DVDs RAW - An ongoing investigation (we need your help!) (63 replies, posted in General discussion)
With this drive, became stuck after several hours so I killed it and copied the console output to the log file manually (killing the process did not flush any of the log output to it).
25 2023-10-06 19:23:09
Re: Dumping DVDs RAW - An ongoing investigation (we need your help!) (63 replies, posted in General discussion)