(3,531 replies, posted in General discussion)

Dumping Info:
    Dumping Program: DiscImageCreator 20230413
    Manufacturer: ASUS
    Model: BC-12D2HT
    Firmware: 3.01
    Reported Disc Type: DVD-ROM

Unsure if this is drive damage or a DIC issue or both but I have recently discovered my drive has been producing bad dumps with DIC reporting 0 issues in any of the logs. Its only thanks to the due diligence of other community members I discovered this. May be worth looking into if you have this model drive and to remember to always double dump.

zuma king com swf


(2 replies, posted in Guests & account requests)

I will elaborate a bit to better my chances. I love looking for missing serials and I would like to be able to better organise the missing lists so that they are neat tidy and have more missing serials added to them.

I would like to request a wiki account with the same username as my account here so I can add more Serials to a few of the missing lists.