
I dumped dozens of CDIs disc over the last weeks, and I managed to use DiscImageCreator successfully with most of them.
Any game already in the database showed matching checksums and will upload them soon for verification.
However, I do not manage to dump 4 particular discs and there all present the same issue

I used a plextor PX-708A.
I used DiscImageCreator.exe, version "x86, AnsiBuild, Mar  4 2018 15:29:36".

The games are:
-The Lost ride, 810 9990
-Lost Eden (french), 812 0154
-Scotland Yard (french), 812 0070
-Zenith, 814 0112

Dumping them with clonCD is ok, which means the disc are in a good state.

Dumping produces similar error ouputs:
-DiscImageCrerator standard output

LBA[166792, 0x28b88]: [F:ReadDirectoryRecord][L:1014]
        Opcode: 0xa8
        ScsiStatus: 0x02 = CHECK_CONDITION
lpCmd: a8, 00, 00, 02, 8b, 88, 00, 00, 00, 01, 00, 00
dwBufSize: 2048
End time: 2018-03-10(Sat) 17:49:41


Directory Record is invalid

Now, this becomes interesting because 2 out these 4 disc (Zenith, The lost ride) were dumped previously by the member Jackal.
I contacted him and he he redirected me to 2 older versions of DiscImageCreator.
- version A:  x86, AnsiBuild, Oct 16 2014 14:37:59
- version B:  x86, AnsiBuild, Jul 14 2015 21:50:46

With the older version B (2015), I managed to successfully dump "Zenith" but none of the 3 others.
With older version A, none of the 4 discs can be dumped, like the most recent version

These older version also lead to the exact same errors, which fits the error of the most recent version (directory error):
(DiscImageCreator standard output)

Start: 2018-03-10(Sat) 18:08:52
Checking reading lead-out
Read command: 0xd8, Subcode reading mode: Pack
Creating bin from 15752 to 15753 (LBA)  15753
Reading lead-out: OK
[F:ReadCDAll][L:792] GetLastError: 2, Le fichier spÚcifiÚ est introuvable.

End: 2018-03-10(Sat) 18:08:57

Is there anyone that encountered this error before and has an idea how to overcome it ?

Thank you !


After receiving my Plextor drive, I successfully did my first test dump.
This was Myst on CD-I.

All checksum informations match the database (it was already verified several times):
But after browsing the database entry, I have some question I would like to answer before starting to dump dozens of discs:

1) Why a Tracks green light and a cuesheet blue light ? I understand green is for a disc dumped several times, but I imagine this should have also produced several identical cuesheet files... Why this discrepancy ? Should I post again this dump just for a cuesheet ?

2) Same question for the ring information: why in blue state when there was several dumps ?

3) Finally, It appears I see only one Mastering SID Code/Mould SID Code (IFPI 01R5), while this database entry has 3 values, 1 for the Mastering SID Code, 2 for the Mould SID.  Having only one, how do I determine if I should report this single entry for "Mastering" or "Mould" ?

Thank you for your help.
Once I make these points clear, I will start to dump some new CD-I games, not yet reported in the database.


(3 replies, posted in Guests & account requests)

Thank you for the fast reply.

I tested several of my old sony cd burners but so far no luck with your dumping tools.
It seems I will need to find a compatible drive.

Do you still sell some plextor drives ? and would you post them to France ?

