But I thought that was what the copy /b pregap.bin+track02.bin track02good.bin command is for, isn't this adding the pregap to track 2?
yes it's adding. If you get bad result after adding pregap you simply got a bad dump.
resize => deletes bytes
remove => moves bytes from file to file
You have to use resize to cut pregap from the end of data track (but you can use remove too and than delete the temp file created). Resize is better when you have to move bytes from a track to another.
The command you use is exactly what you have to do, but about DC2 you are lucky because there's no byte lost due to negative offset.
EAC result on single audio track discs is always bad because it doesn't dump pregap and may cut of data if you have a negative offset (moreover if there's data in pregap this will be lost at all).
EAC shows error only if it finds error on disc or if cannot overread. The "no-pregap" issue is a bug.
Simply use PerfectRip (you have a plextor and dumps are also speeder) to dump all tracks, then check data track with Isobuster and audio with EAC. If track02 doesn't match is because of cutoff data, data in pregap, etc. so forget EAC for those tracks.
If you got strange gaps, and if EAC gaps don't match PR ones, you have to submit a subcode.