
(21 replies, posted in General discussion)

Anyway, for switching the formats we will need a new tool. Even if we choose the clonecd format, how to make the dump? PR to dump the tracks (and, _sometimes_, .img, when there's no issues with scrambled sectors and when it doesn't add its own weird sequences in pregaps), EAC+IB to confirm the dump, some file merger to merge the tracks, CloneCD to get the .ccd (since PR .ccd is somewhat custom, contains CATALOG, etc., so only CloneCD ones are ok), subdump to dump the .sub file (at least on 2 different drives even to accept the dump as blue), also, _probably_,  cdtoimg_d8 to get the .scr scrambled image file (at least 2xdumps to get the good checksum) - tell me, WHO will do all these steps? So, imo, noone to write the 1-click dumping tool - no reason to switch the formats. Over.


(21 replies, posted in General discussion)

Nexy wrote:

I agree with F1ReB4LL also, custom format is the best solution.

The one I've described isn't a custom format at all, but a raw dump, in a single file, just as it's written on a CD, contains data, TOC and subs, all as is, all in their right places, no need in cues/ccds/whatever. Converters to ccd/bin-cue/iso-mp3/whatever can be made, of course, when needed.


(21 replies, posted in General discussion)

Nexy wrote:

We would still dump discs the way we do now, but also have .ccd (clonecd cue) file and .sub file.

Also a single .img file, at least. Also, probably, an .scr (scrambled .img) file.

But it still won't be an ideal format, since it missing lead-in and lead-out areas. For me, the only real "perfect" format is a single 2448 bytes/sector file, which starts with lead-in sectors, then 1st pregap, then the scrambled user area and lead-out (all the sections with the interleaved subs). It's the only way to store the dump as close to the real CD contents, as possible, also there won't be any cue needed. But you need to write a special tool to dump the discs this way, using the swapping on Plextor drives.

PCE/TG16CD control is even strictier, that's why noone wants to bother smile


(22 replies, posted in General discussion)

Nope, to make it green certain admins can set a checkbox. You need to prove the ringcode is correct - make a scan of it.


(4 replies, posted in General discussion)

If IB+EAC dump is fine, you can submit it along with a .sub file. If it matches on 2 drives, it should be safe enough to add. Btw, does PR fail on all the tracks? If it fails on some track, you can uncheck it and verify the rest, at least (if IsoBuster/EAC dump is fine)


(22 replies, posted in General discussion)

And when you need to enter more than 1 ringcode, add the rest into the comments or into some post in the "dumps" section along with the dump info - since you can't add more than 1 ringcode per add/edit session, the additional empty field will appear only on the next edit.


(4 replies, posted in General discussion)

I still suggest to _split_ the sets either by OS or by year range.


(1 replies, posted in General discussion)

It's not SCSI and you can't connect it to PC.


(5 replies, posted in General discussion)

Anything without complete lead-in and lead-out is underdump smile


(5 replies, posted in General discussion)

I can give you a tool for dumping the subs. But prepare to wait upto an hour per disc (if no scratches).


(17 replies, posted in General discussion)

Yeah, my bad, it was in PC-88 section there, but it's a PC port.


(17 replies, posted in General discussion)

Snake Plissken wrote:

There should be a total of 5 CD games for the PC88, if I remember correctly.

Relics: The Recur of Origin (1986 BothTec) also, at least (was on fmv forum a few months ago).

iR0b0t wrote:

Actually, it was a nice surprise for me, as i never expected to find 2 different 3DO releases  wink

Some titles were released in multiple revisions, Myst, for example, nothing too surprising here.


(2 replies, posted in General discussion)

What do you mean by "raw mode"? scrambled d8 image?


(20 replies, posted in News)

At first, I'd like to hear the description of CDZ protection bits (from Jackal?), so we could mark such titles somehow. Then I'll try to dump and add at least 1 title of each of 4 kinds of discs (no protection/multi-index/CDZ/both), then we'll see.


(20 replies, posted in News)

Yes, but how are you going to _split_ such images? IsoBuster uses its own cues for the single "bins".


(20 replies, posted in News)

SNK is added, since it's now possible to add any cues, including the multi-index ones. But since it's not yet possible to attach a .sub file, CDZ-protected titles won't work on CDZ systems/emulators in CDZ mode.

Tao iKTV CD, Tomy Kiss-Site CD and VTech V.Flash CD are placeholders, since I haven't seen any dumps yet. If these systems use multisessional discs, they won't be supported (similar to Atari Jaguar CD and Sega Dreamcast MIL-CD medias), due to limitation of cuesheets.


(5 replies, posted in General discussion)

AnyDVD + IsoBuster.
Some say those should be dumped as is, with the protection untouched, though.


(2 replies, posted in General discussion)

topkat wrote:

You now might wonder with it's called 'REdump'. I don't for sure, but almost all discs has already been dumped in the past but must be dumped again (aka redump) from the original disc to fit the projects quality guidelines.

Because you should be ready to redump _any_ of the already dumped discs (in this db) again wink


(5 replies, posted in General discussion)

Actually, I have the box with the discs and all the papers, I don't need the scans smile "ャ instead of a セ" -- yeah, was typing the symbols manually and I'm not very good at Japanese ))) And yeah, "Special CD-ROM" makes sense, fixed. Thanks!


(5 replies, posted in General discussion)


Btw, does anyone have any new ideas on romanizing the disc title for http://redump.org/disc/10135/ ? It was discussed before, but the variants were weird and the topic seems to be deleted (thanks, mr. Jackal, for deleting all the old topics, both important and not).


(5 replies, posted in General discussion)

http://img208.imageshack.us/img208/5908/dsc00009lb.jpg -- what the disc title is? (??? DISK).


(3 replies, posted in News)

For CD32/CDTV discs check the s/startup-sequence file (something like autoexec.bat) to find the main executable. For Amiga CD discs look for it visually.

2 is a bonus disc, all the bonus discs are acceptable.