This is the CD I'm using for testing as extreme sample of damaged CD, an used music CD I got whose metallic layer is awfully damaged by mistreat and moisture.
81705 CU/E32 errors. For PlexTools C2 means E22 error, data damaged yet still recoverable.
While memory usage is high (1312900 KB of private bytes in my system, but that's fine with me because my system has many idle memory), the new release doesn't crash finally when ripping a CD with many errors.
Still testing the re-reading method...
Update, ripping the heavily damaged audio CD:
Command line: discimagecreator.exe -rall g: 8 dump c2 20 fua. Yes, only 20 in order to not to stress heavily my PX-755SA because the tested disc has an insane ammount of damaged zones. As expected, it's impossible (for this disc) to get error-free re-reads (no matter how much you reread the sectors) for every sector and retries are exhausted.
This time has worked properly for me: a secure ripper must detect possible errors (by C2 pointers, for example) and, then, re-read many times the suspicious zones in order to try to reconstruct the good data. If that isn't possible, must, at least, report very clearly that the dump contains still suspicious sectors. Rather than «Reread reached Max 20» I would prefer a clearer text, for example:
Reread reached Max 20
There are unrecoverable errors
Creating img(LBA) 166954/167523 Detected C2 error. LBA 166956
Creating img(LBA) 166955/167523 Detected C2 error. LBA 166957
Creating img(LBA) 166987/167523 Detected C2 error. LBA 166989
Creating img(LBA) 167003/167523 Detected C2 error. LBA 167005
Creating img(LBA) 167004/167523 Detected C2 error. LBA 167006
Creating img(LBA) 167312/167523 Detected C2 error. LBA 167314
Creating img(LBA) 167426/167523 Detected C2 error. LBA 167428
Creating img(LBA) 167523/167523
Reread times 1, ErrSectorNum 7124/7124
Reread times 2, ErrSectorNum 7124/7124
Reread times 3, ErrSectorNum 6093/6093
Reread times 4, ErrSectorNum 5911/5911
Reread times 5, ErrSectorNum 5733/5733
Reread times 6, ErrSectorNum 5637/5637
Reread times 7, ErrSectorNum 5553/5553
Reread times 8, ErrSectorNum 5498/5498
Reread times 9, ErrSectorNum 5441/5441
Reread times 10, ErrSectorNum 5407/5407
Reread times 11, ErrSectorNum 5372/5372
Reread times 12, ErrSectorNum 5336/5336
Reread times 13, ErrSectorNum 5296/5296
Reread times 14, ErrSectorNum 5271/5271
Reread times 15, ErrSectorNum 5242/5242
Reread times 16, ErrSectorNum 5218/5218
Reread times 17, ErrSectorNum 5197/5197
Reread times 18, ErrSectorNum 5167/5167
Reread times 19, ErrSectorNum 5156/5156
Reread reached Max 20
Move .scm to .img
Creating bin, cue, ccd(Track) 7/ 7
Calculating hash. D:\\Redump\DIC\\dump (Track 7).bin
End -> 2013-11-08(Fri) 20:10:08
Logs of this ripping process: https://www.dropbox.com/s/t3oqxp2adhkhvuo/Log.7z
And USB drives (mines are actually ATAPI attached to a ATA/SATA to USB adapter) work properly newly.