(3,531 replies, posted in General discussion)

With a data track does work finally.

If you are lucky (fictitious example) that file is using just 240 bytes of the last allocated sector (rest of user data is just slack), so for mode 2 form 1 sectors you still have available 1808 bytes of slack you can use freely once altered the file size in the file record, easy to spot seeing the last sector of that file in the IsoBuster's sector viewer. The ideal situation would be that file is the last one in the file system, so you can increase freely and easily the size (increasing by a few of sectors the size of file system according to the PVD if needed). Check the starting/endings LBAs of files by IsoBuster to determinate if you are in luck. And for seaching the file record, search for [Original file name];1 . Reallocating the file to a new LBA would be a no go path in my opinion, you don't know if the starting LBA of that file expected by game is hard coded in game code and whatnot, or just checks starting LBA according to file system.

Observe those values are actually duplicated, first copy in Little Endian format, second copy in Big Endian format. So you have to modify both.

Little Endian: 0C FC 03 00
Big Endian: 00 03 FC 0C

Once modified anything, run CDmage, scan for errors and REBUILD fields so that EDC/ECC data matches the new user data.

Disclaimer: never tried this by myself, I purchase retro games just for the RedBook sountracks, so I haven't found so far any need of altering a data track.


(3,531 replies, posted in General discussion)

Install this:

http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download … x?id=40784

By the way, personally the $FF000000 or $F0000000 tip hasn't worked for me so far. I guess that this tip will work only with certain discs/drives combinations.


(3,531 replies, posted in General discussion)

To try to read the very beggining of the lead-in.


Anyway, I have tried this a few of times and I got only strange mechanical noises, the drive remains busy for a few of minutes and whatnot, so assume that this is a no go (or at least works with only very few discs/drives combinations) and unhealthy for the drive.


(3,531 replies, posted in General discussion)

Testing the new complement...

D:\Redump\PX-755SA\Forsaken\DIC>discimagecreator.exe cd g: Forsaken-USA 8 /c2 1000 8192 8
        MajorVersion: 5, MinorVersion: 2, BuildNumber: 3790
        PlatformId: 2, CSDVersion: Service Pack 2
        x86, AnsiBuild, Apr 12 2014 20:02:22
         path: Forsaken-USA
        fname: Forsaken-USA
Start: 2014-04-15(Tue) 20:08:31
Checking reading lead-out
Creating bin from 275759 to 275760 (LBA) 275760
Reading lead-out: OK
Allocating memory for C2 error: 8192/8192
Creating img(LBA) 275759/275758
C2 error didn't exist
Copying .scm to .img
Descrambling data sector of img(LBA)  39264/ 39264
Check LBA 275758/275758
User data vs. ecc/edc doesn't match num: 39265
Creating bin, cue, ccd(Track) 13/13
Free memory for C2 error: 8192/8192
Calculating hash. D:\\Redump\PX-755SA\Forsaken\DIC\\Forsaken-USA (Track 13).bin
End: 2014-04-15(Tue) 20:16:45

"User data vs. ecc/edc doesn't match num: 39265" is the expected error for this no EDC in form 2 sectors and with audio tracks PS1 disc, right? That sector is the 39264 actually, though.


(3,531 replies, posted in General discussion)

/p option doesn't work properly, Plextor drives can rip only the -75, -1 range of the first pregap directly. It's somewhat hard to explain the correct method to dump properly the first pregap when this one contains actual audio data (the miniCD Audio disc bundled with Tenbu MegaCD Special, for example), but would something like this.

-Read the -5000,-76 range, D8 command of couse. When reach more or less the -1000 LBA will report many read errors, it's normal and expected.

-A part of the lead-in, the entire first pregap and a piece of the first track, index 1, is dumped.

-Then use the first sectors of the normal dump to search them in the dumped file, find the portion which matches those first sectors and extract the previous 352800 bytes into a separated file.

-The subcode is easy, just extract into a separarated file the frames with 00:00:00 - 00:01:74 AMSF.


I have uploaded a sample, the entire minidisc and the pregap extracted as I have proposed via the audio option.

Then, I have hashed the first 75 sectors of the first track and these ones are the results. Program used is parthash, much easier than cutting the dump and whatnot:

D:\MiniCD\Main dump>parthash "MiniCD (Track 1).bin" 176400
#        Size   CRC-32                        MD5/SHA-1
1      176400 fa5fa23f 4e9bff8a8ab29fafb6252977de6b11ea
2    39588864 e0c9e590 4083df206ba8ab18864aa27590ac346c

Then I run the findcrcs.exe program by V. in the lead-in+first pregap+a piece of first track dump and these are the results:

D:\MiniCD\Pregap>findcrcs Pregap.bin 176400 FA5FA23F
4290048  fa5fa23f  4e9bff8a8ab29fafb6252977de6b11ea

Thus 4290048 is the starting point of the main dump, so I have to extract 3937248-4290047 range into a separated file to have the actual pregap ripped once and for all. The subcode is easy, just delete everything except the range with AMSF 00:00:00 - 00:01:74.

findcrcs.exe program is here, including source code.


With these suggestions, perhaps you can implement a proper routine to extract properly the first pregap of these discs.

And it would be cool to implement another routine to extract the lead-out of certain discs which contains audio data in the lead-out. My Alanis Morissette - Jagged Little Pill [UK(9362-459012)], as far you remember you purchased this one to perform certain tests related to the slowness when ripping discs with R-W filled with 0xff, contains data in the actual lead-out, so could be useful to implement an option to rip into a separated file the first 100 sectors of the lead-out, applying either the offset correction autodetected by D8 (if disc contains a data track, Heavy nova for MCD for example), the standard one of AccurateRip or the overriden by the /a parameter.


(3,531 replies, posted in General discussion)

olofolleola4 reported that the PX-W2410TA drive can rip a mixed-mode disc using the classic cdtoimg-d8 program, so at least the basic D8 command with neither subcode nor C2 pointers works for this drive.

Does D8+C2, without raw subcode reading, work properly in these drives and the offset is the expected one (+98 and not +686)?

If so, I guess that a possible workaround would be to implement another additional reading mode, this way:

-Detect the CATALOG, ISRCs, DCPs, PRE flags... according to the TOC and analyzing the subcode (not issuing certain commands to read CATALOG, ISRCs... because there are drives which can give fictitious CATALOG and/or ISRCs), D8+raw subcode command. Additionaly, it would be cool that the program could detect TOC vs. subcode desyncs and print this as a warning. Examples of discs which suffer from this annoying issue:


-Once analyzed the TOC and the subcode to build the proper cue and ccd, rip the disc as usual, D8 + (optional) C2 command. Logically, no actual subcode from the disc is ripped and the dump is splitted and unscrambled according to the info previously detected.


(3,531 replies, posted in General discussion)

DIC won't create the actual processed and splitted dump. For any reason, the subcode data gets messed and therefore DIC will fail to process the scrambled dump.

Files (except the scrambled dump itself), the expected and fully clean subcode extracted by subdump to compare against and screenshots.



(3,531 replies, posted in General discussion)

Possible bug discovered by Hustle, the first sector of certain PC game (CD, one single data track) is in scrambled form. Checking the logs and the sub the only unusual thing I see (besides of R-W filled with a non-standard data pattern) is the Q frame of the subcode at AMSF 00:02:00 replaced with a MCN frame.

Logs, sub and 0-16 sectors:



(3,531 replies, posted in General discussion)

These things happen when discs contain these weird pregaps. Or better said, these weird no pregaps in the data-audio transitions. I guess that you will need the old px_d8 (the one which only prints the requested sector) and run something like this:

pxd8.exe g: 5995 1 > 5995.txt

And post the 5995.txt file.


(3,531 replies, posted in General discussion)

I understand that he means that sector from the physical CD, not from the image. Being the first audio sector and because combined offset is positive, the first audio sector read without correction has to contain scrambled data.

Lite-On LTD-165H is the classic suggested drive by the Yursoft's guide.


(3,531 replies, posted in General discussion)

Same here, finally working.

Yes, that site is down currently.

Edit: currently online. Just in case the website goes down newly, I have mirrored the four files:


To open the .sfv, .md5 and .sha1 files and check easily the dump without getting cross-eyed comparing visually the hashes download this, portable version available. Just the binary, nothing more.


Use: drag and drop the .sfv/.md5/.sha1 file into the RapidCRC Unicode's windows and wait a little.


(3,531 replies, posted in General discussion)


https://www.dropbox.com/s/j9uzsc4g42746 … %20disk.7z

Expected size and same hashes than HxD and Roadkil's Disk Image.


(3,531 replies, posted in General discussion)

Finally got an USB floppy drive to install Windows Server 2003 _without_ editing the authentic install media and noticed two problems. Floppy drive is USB\VID_0644&PID_0000, TEAC FD-05PUW.

So I have tested the -f option.

-What's the point of specifying a read speed for extracting a raw image from a standard floppy drive? As far I know, there is no such thing as setting the read speed for a floppy drive.

-Autodetected disk format is wrong. discimagecreator thinks that a 1.44 MB floppy is a 1.2 MB floppy. Therefore disk image is truncated.

MediaType: 3.5, 1.2Mb, 512 bytes/sector
            Cylinders: 80
    TracksPerCylinder: 2
      SectorsPerTrack: 15

Roadkil's Disk Image and HxD create the proper image, 1474560 bytes, not 1228800 bytes.

The disk images (simply the Intel AHCI drivers for the text mode portion of XP/Server 2003 install):

https://www.dropbox.com/s/a8s2dsg0vqj4g … %20disk.7z


(10 replies, posted in General discussion)

As far I know, you can extract the PS3 discs using a normal BD reader/writer (MediaTek based, +6 in AccurateRip list) for PC using IsoBuster. Then that special PCB and a spare BD-ROM of a PS3 remarried (you cannot reuse anymore this BD-ROM in any PS3) to extract the metadata.

Read this thread.

http://forum.redump.org/topic/13284/add … -8xredump/

Anyway, just be patient until Enker can see this thread and answer your questions.


(3,531 replies, posted in General discussion)

The "CATALOG=" entries should be removed as well, they are useless because this field is already defined by the subcode.


(3,531 replies, posted in General discussion)

                  Version: 00000020
                TotalSize: 00000020
    MaximumTransferLength: 00010000 (bytes)
     MaximumPhysicalPages: 00000011
            AlignmentMask: 00000000
           AdapterUsesPio: False
         AdapterScansDown: False
          CommandQueueing: False
      AcceleratedTransfer: False
          BusMajorVersion: 0002
          BusMinorVersion: 0000


(3,531 replies, posted in General discussion)

I am pretty sure that it's a fault of DIC handling transfers via USB/IEEE-1394, at least with certain enclosures. CDTool, PerfectRip and the «unnameable» works nicely with my PX-W4824TU, and this drive is just an externalized PX-W4824TA.


(3,531 replies, posted in General discussion)

Mine is actually a TU drive, the same drive in a USB 2.0 enclosure, NEC chipset perhaps. Of course latest official firmware.

And I have absolutely no software which installs filter drivers (lower and upper filters) and no SPTD layer. I am fully against that kind of things, so no CloneCD, Daemon Tools... for me in my main OS (if I eventually need them, I run them from a secondary OS installed into an eSATA hard disk). This very likely has something to do with the 8 KB transfers for USB/IEEE-1394 drives suggestion I suggested a time ago.

PX-755SA via JMB363 (a PCIe card, latest jraid.sys driver) works nicely.


(22 replies, posted in General discussion)

F1ReB4LL wrote:

Single stars inside the ringcodes - yes, needed. Multiple stars like "* ** *******" aren't needed. Try to PM iRr0b0t about the logos. We usually include "Mastered by Nimbus" logo as text into the ringcode field, so these ones should be also included at the very end of the ringcode, IMO. Or, at least, in the comments.

iR0b0t: maybe one more field is needed for these logos? Mastering Code, Mastering Logos (?), Mastering SID Code, Toolstamp, Mould SID Code, Additional Mould Text?

Bumped the thread to highlight this so that everyone can see this. According to F1ReB4LL, the logos of the mastering ring code must be placed at the very end of mastering ring codes, this way: blablablablablabla[TAB][LOGO]

I will do so, Enker.

And http://redump.org/disc/11382/ should be corrected to «PlayStation the Best for Family», because sarami reported that edition and seeing this eBay article he is right.


Understood, iR0b0t. When Rocket submits that verification I will put both tags in the edition field, «PlayStation the Best» and «PlayStation the Best for Family».