The game can't work as is, F1 2000 it's one of the game with known libcrypt protection.
First dump the game including /c2 /nl at the end of the command.
example: DiscImageCreator.exe cd F MyGameTitle_Dump1.bin 16 /c2 /nl
then while the disc is still inside use this command
psxt001z --libcrypt MyGameTitle_Dump1.sub
if you want to submit the entry for the game with the modules (only when you got dumper status) then output the .log files for submitting the entry with the command
psxt001z.exe --libcryptdrvfast F: > sectors1.log
of course while the game disc is still in the drive, then copy and paste the .log file in the "libcrypt" section of the new disc module. that's what i usually do while dumping libcrypt games, feel free to correct me if i did something wrong.
Plextor: PX-W4012TU, PX-W5224TA, Premium, PX-716SA, PX-760A || LG GDR-8164B || Lite-On SOHD-167D
HP (Toshiba/Samsung): TS-H353A - Kreon FW || HP (Hitachi/LG): BH40N - crossflashed with LG BH16NS40 FW || Sony Optiarc AD-7280S