First off, my Black Dawn PSX here should be removed for now, since it seems to be inaccurate.
But, I'm clueless as to what went wrong.
I dumped all the audio tracks on two different drives using EAC and got identical results, however someone pointed out that track 19 and 47 appeared to have some data cut off the end compared to other Internet images available.
So I redumped Black Dawn (with EAC) using a third drive and all the tracks came out the same EXCEPT tracks 19 and 47. On this third drive, 19 and 47 now match their European counterparts. On the inaccurate drives, EAC seems to have replaced the last 54127 bytes of data with zeros, but when I look at the raw sector view in ISO buster, the cut-off data is there- meaning the drives are capable of reading it, but EAC is just cutting it off for some reason.
So what in the heck is the problem??!! I redumped again using the two inaccurate drives and got same results as the first time (aka data cut off in those two tracks) but most of the other USA audio tracks matched the Europe versions so I think all my software settings are correct.
Why would two tracks come out wrong?
Now I'm worried about the accuracy of all my other multi-track dumps so any advice would be most welcomed??