I recently bought a set of state-sponsored CDs made for schools without a good Internet connection [For more info (in Spanish): source 1, source 2 -the set has 9 discs, tho-]. I haven't checked the contents of the discs themselves due to a lack of time, but apparently some discs have games according to the box, and the sources mentioned before. My question is: if one of them has Redump-elegible content, does that mean that all the discs in the set are elegible too? I ask because of one item in the Video CD Moderation Guide article in the wiki:

Bonus or bundled discs which are not game related, but another disc in the set is qualified for Redump entry.

I know it's a different platform, but I thought that it could apply to PC discs too. But I'm not completely sure, reason why I'm making this thread.