Logs: … Xpga2_-Vrk

Common Disc Info:
    Title: Flappy Gakkou-hen
    Foreign Title (Non-latin): フラッピー[学校編]
    Disc Number / Letter: (OPTIONAL)
    Disc Title: (OPTIONAL)
    System: IBM PC compatible
    Media Type: CD-ROM
    Category: Games
    Region: SPACE! (CHANGE THIS)
    Languages: SILENCE! (CHANGE THIS)
    Disc Serial: RPS-0004

    Ringcode Information:

Data Side Mastering Code (laser branded/etched): SONT/RPS0004    170203-105233
Data Side Mastering SID Code: IFPI LP71
Data Side Toolstamp or Mastering Code (engraved/stamped): (REQUIRED, IF EXISTS)
Data Side Mould SID Code: IFPI Lu09
Data Side Additional Mould: (REQUIRED, IF EXISTS)
Label Side Mould SID Code: (REQUIRED, IF EXISTS)

    Barcode: 4 562143 870040
    Error Count: 0


    Contents: (OPTIONAL)

Version and Editions:
    Edition/Release: Original

    Primary Volume Descriptor (PVD):

0320 : 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20  20 20 20 20 20 32 30 30                200
0330 : 33 30 32 31 32 31 39 35  36 34 37 37 32 24 30 30   3021219564772$00
0340 : 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30  30 30 30 30 30 30 24 30   00000000000000$0
0350 : 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30  30 30 30 30 30 30 30 24   000000000000000$
0360 : 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30  30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30   0000000000000000
0370 : 24 01 00 00 00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00   $...............

Copy Protection:
    Copy Protection: None found [OMIT FROM SUBMISSION]

Tracks and Write Offsets:

<rom name="FLAPPY.bin" size="5437824" crc="00f146fc" md5="edd427669db3fa83ea32834c47a03077" sha1="9b109b98f54d955b5fd3ff6796055d1dd61f6868" />


  TRACK 01 MODE1/2352
    INDEX 01 00:00:00

    Write Offset: -12

Dumping Info:
    Dumping Program: DiscImageCreator 20230606
    Date: 2023-11-23 14:16:02
    Manufacturer: PLEXTOR
    Model: CD-R    PREMIUM
    Firmware: 1.07
    Reported Disc Type: CD-DA or CD-ROM Disc