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I wanted to make an account so I can contribute 2 xbox 360 NTSC titles it seems were never dumped.
I bought both so I could complete my collection of iso's however I do not need the discs any further and I could send you guys the actual disc so they are dumped according to your standards.
Looking for info on if I could send or if what I did, (dumped using xbc and then verified in abgx) will suffice. Both games work but I am not sure if there is something more that needs to be done.
I would rather just send them off to you guys and let you do what you want with them. They are scratch free and useless to me.
disk game and manuals I believe in both. Just dance 2017 and high school musical senior year dance! both NTSC which seems to be missing. I want the whole system backed up by you guys as it is my backup in case one of my drives fails.
I can create an account and ask further on the boards if that is a better option.
let me know