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saramibreak provided me with a test build containing support for my exact firmware and I was able to dump the disc.

I can now confirm that this release indeed is not currently in the database, so I'd now like an account for the purposes of making a new submission here on the forums.



I can't get a good idea until I can dump it but based on the serial from the ring code (I think I'm reading it right?) this may actually be a different release making it a new rip. It has a really similar serial to two other releases but is shorter and has a different mastering code.


Trying to do a verification dump of Pitfall The Mayan Adventure for Windows 95 to have a clean copy for my own purposes and contribute the information to the database in the process.

I have attempted this with the latest stable and WIP builds of DICUI and am getting the following main read error:

LBA[271539, 0x424b3]: [F:ReadCDForCheckingReadInOut][L:703]
    Opcode: 0xbe
    ScsiStatus: 0x02 = CHECK_CONDITION
lpCmd: be, 04, 00, 04, 24, b3, 00, 00, 01, f8, 00, 00
dwBufSize: 2352

I can provide drive info and the logs but I'd assume that should wait for a thread in the appropriate location once I have an acount.

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