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Disc Preservation Project

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Hello!  I found a few weeks ago when looking for a way to read discs in their entirety before selling them.  This is an amazing service, and I would be happy to be a part of it.  I volunteer at a thrift store, in charge of collecting, assembling, testing and selling their video games.  Because discs come in all conditions, from pristine to coaster, I am especially interested in full reads, and verifies where possible, so I can resell the games with confidence (and for fair value).  Discs are always getting donated, so while it may not always be the rarest discs I come across, I can still offer plenty of double-checks and triple-checks of any system I am capable of reading.  I've confirmed I can read PS2 discs and I've just finished softmodding a Wii with the Homebrew Channel and the CleanRip app.  I've got a few original XBoxes to play with, and I plan on softmodding one of them for disc reads as well.

Looking forward to be of service, if you want!

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