I'll try to explain what this idea I've had is, and see if you think it would be any good.
Basically you know when your on the main page, and your logged in, well say I want to view my Play Station 2 games I have ticked, I can bring the list up "My Sony Playstaion 2 discs", and if you chamge the http:\adress to miss instead of have, it shows all the games your missing aswell.
Well firstly the lists are generated and always have the correct up-to-date names.
So how about an edit button, that allows you to paste a list that you have made from your actuall folders on your harddrive.
Once the list has been pasted in, it checks for wrong names, and continues to display a small list of any names that aren't found for that system.
Then you could easily rename games, and generate a new list, and repeat step 1 again untill it says list has been accepted and returns 0 foreign names (or names not found).
Once the list you have pasted is accepted then it would automatically tick them for you.
That would save the site some bandwidth load, because of people ticking, and then refreshing to see the ticks appear.
Any mods think it could be good/possible let us know, I'm sure it could be done in a stylish manner, to improve the users overall site experience.
I'm actuaslly really tired at the moment but I'm still struggling to sleep, my brains working 2x, and thats when I tend to get my little brain waves, when I haven't slept for days.
The SPICE must flow.