
--File Generated by CleanRip v2.2.0--

Filename: GUCP69
Internal Name: UEFA Champions League 2004 - 2005
MD5: 8ea0a562cd55ba9dc877ae6b565f4bda
SHA-1: 86f390b815688ce7358e813060153d3516cf6640
CRC32: 73C4BAF2
Version: 1.00
Verified: Yes
Duration: 9 min. 27 sec.

Game Information:

Game Title: UEFA Champions League 2004-2005
Region: Europe
Languages: English
Language Select: -
Disc Serial: DL-DOL-GUCP-UKV
Edition: Original
Case Barcode: 5 030930 039820 >
Size: 1.459.978.240

Ring Information:

Mastering Code (back): 104L2001   DOL-GUCP-0-00 JPN   S0
Mastering SID Code (back): IFPI LQ11
Mould SID Code (back): IFPI QKO2
Additional Mould Text (back): MADE IN JAPAN
Toolstamp (back): None
Mould SID Code (front): IFPI QKO3
Additional Mould Text (front): None

*Note: Electronic Arts (EA) ID = EAE03604461IS (game cover), EAE03604461D (disc)

BCA: Attached

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