
I recently downloaded an ISO for a 3DO homebrew game called BioFury. There was a physical release of the game. I do not have the physical release but I thought that since the developer provided the ISO, that converting it to a BIN CUE would result in the same CRC32 as documented in Redump. Well, apparently I was wrong...

What am I missing here? I am just trying to understand why, if the BIN CUE files were created by doing a raw conversion of the actual ISO, is the CRC32 for the BIN file not matching the CRC32 in Redump? Is there a right way to correctly convert the ISO file to get the same result?

I must be missing a technical bit regarding additional headers in the dumped BIN or something, so if someone can educate me on why this is the case that would be great. smile

Thanks so much.

BIN/CUE (MODE 2352) produced by redumper or DiscImageCreator (the hashes datted on Redump) are not conversions of ISO (MODE 2048), nor is the ISO format produced by these tools.

BW-16D1HT | PX-W4824TU | PX-W5224A | PX-760A | PX-712A | Plextor Premium | Pioneer 209DBK | TS-H352C | TS-H353A | Wii