I have at least 4 of the missing Limited Run releases on the Redump missing list however I couldn't find a public guide for dumping and would like to contribute to Redump. I've been informed it's pretty straight forward I just need a BD drive which I have a few from ASUS and Pioneer.

Thank you!


this url is pointing to PS4 guide

http://wiki.redump.org/index.php?title= … _%28MPF%29

PX-760A (+30), PX-W4824TA (+98), GSA-H42L (+667), GDR-8164B (+102), SH-D162D (+6), SOHD-167T (+12)

ROMLibrarian wrote:

I have at least 4 of the missing Limited Run releases on the Redump missing list and would like to contribute to Redump.

Were you able to run MPF and dump your PS4 discs?

BW-16D1HT | PX-W4824TU | PX-W5224A | PX-760A | PX-712A | Plextor Premium | Pioneer 209DBK | TS-H352C | TS-H353A | Wii


bikerspade wrote:
ROMLibrarian wrote:

I have at least 4 of the missing Limited Run releases on the Redump missing list and would like to contribute to Redump.

Were you able to run MPF and dump your PS4 discs?

Not yet apparently my primary optical drive is no good for this so I need to find time to install the new one, hopefully soon.