Where I encountered it was on the PS2 DVDV5 form.
Maybe the issue is unique to me since I don't use clrmame.
I have been copy/pasting the size from a source that uses commas.
Anyways, it's a small isuue.


(15 replies, posted in General discussion)

Ok, sounds good smile

Yet Another question!! Will it hurt anything if there are blank spaces at the end of hash values on the submission form? I copy/paste the info and sometimes it ends up with spaces in front or behind- unless I manually remove them. Will the spaces get auto-deleted/ignored if I just leave them there, or might they accidentally make it into the dat files and mess things up?

I'm not sure if this is the correct forum for this post, but I wonder if it would be possible/good to make the script on the submission form auto-remove commas from the 'size' number.

The reason being, Windows displays this value with commas (ie 1,232,699,392) in its 'properties' window and many people might do like I do and copy/paste it directly from there to avoid typos. I have to manually delete the comas for the submission form which increases the odds I'll make a mistake. 

Just a thought smile

Cool!!!  tongue **droooool * tongue *droool** tongue

Any chance you could post a few screen shots of the opening area and or text so I could get an idea of how it compares to the actual King's Field 3?

Sent you a private message kitzik big_smile


(15 replies, posted in General discussion)

Thanks DJoneK big_smile 
For the 'Ring' number, is there a standard number of digits?
The PS2 Summoner disk I'm looking at has a clear PDSS-000215a1 with a 1 a ways away,
also a small AO4 and a hard to see number something like DAXX-00000881
Are we only looking for the main 12 digit number?


(15 replies, posted in General discussion)

Some questions about PS2 submissions:

What is an "Alternative Title"?
What is "Ring"?
Is edk2 the same thing as emule/edonkey calculated by Hashcalc?
How do I calculate DOL MD5?

Thanks smile

I can't find any significant information on the game but evidently it was a pre-release demo (SLPM-80029) for King's Field III which was quite different from the final released game.

Does anyone here have a copy? I'm curious what the Pilot Style is like.


(7 replies, posted in General discussion)

Thanks! That's interesting to know smile


(7 replies, posted in General discussion)

baldjared, since you're from Canada, do you know if French Canadian is the same as France French?


(7 replies, posted in General discussion)

I finally did finally find the flag by Googling its description- duh I should have done that to begin with. It's Quebec's flag so I'll list the language as French Canadian. I don't know if Quebec French is identical to France French so it might not be accurate to just call it French.  After all US English is considerably different in spelling and word usage from UK English.


I'm trying to figure out what languages Mission Impossible (PSX-NTSC) uses. I assume this flag means French because of the fleur de lis etc, but because it's not actually France's flag, I want to make sure it's not some French-Canadian dialect I've never heard of.

Does anyone know what language this flag represents? Thanks smile


(15 replies, posted in General discussion)

Thanks iR0b0t smile I got the dates sorted out.

I have a question about DVD PS2 dumps. I'm not sure what error checking abilities the DVD format has so I don't know if one dump is enough or if I should dump 2 or 3 time to verify acuracy.  How many times should I dump a PS2 DVD game to make sure I'm getting an accurate image?


(15 replies, posted in General discussion)

Ok, that's good to know. I was using ePSXe so I guess I need to change my posted dump info. 

When playing some anti-mod chip games on a non-stealth modded console, it was possible to bypass the modchip check and resulting lockout by pushing the 'start' button continuously- thus skipping directly to the main menu. It should behave the same way on an emulator so it's probably important to not press any buttons until the game gets into its intro?

How long I should test play to verify; do anti-mod chip PSX games always lock out before the title menu?

One other question: on a couple of my dumps for games that already had one dumper in the database, I got an EXE date that was one day different than the previous dumper. I'm guessing that it's being caused by a system setting difference and not a human error. Has anyone else experienced dates that are one day off?


(15 replies, posted in General discussion)

Ok great. That gives me enough information to get started. Thanks.


(15 replies, posted in General discussion)

Ok, I'm finding the guide a little obscure in places. Namely, it says "If the disc only contains a data track, you are ready to check the image for errors, head on to the step called 'Checking and repairing the data track", but there doesn't seem to be a section called 'Checking and repairing the data track'.

Anyways, here are the steps I think I need to do:

On a PSX CD with only one data track:
  1. Use ISOBuster and right-click on Track 01> Extract Track 01 > Extract RAW Data (2352 bytes/block) (*.bin, *.iso)
  2. Run Psxt001z on the dumped Track 01.bin using the command-  psxt001z.exe --fix "Track 01.bin"
  3. Run HashCalc on the dumped Track 01.bin and record the MD5, SHA1, and CRC32 values
  4. Repeat using a different CD drive and verify that results are identical
Do I need to do any further procedures or checks? What information from these procedures should I include for a database submission? The "Mandatory" info listed in the dumping guide is only part of what is listed in the actual game entries. So the mandatory info would be:

Nectaris: Military Madness
   Serial: SLUS-00764
   Edition: Original
   EXE Date: 1998-10-21
   Size: Bytes 485184672
   MD5: c141e27b08123e34b42f326106aba2e7
   SHA1: 1cbb529c1f42761d8b78d18770cd09fb4d5f01d6
   CRC32: 40ec65af
   Region: NTSC
   Languages: English

But should I include additional information from psxt001z like the following?:
  Sectors 206286
  Mode: 2
  EDC in Form 2 Sectors: Yes
  System Area: US EDC
  Postgap type: Form 2, zero subheader, zero data, EDC

Should I include other information which seems to be included in database entries like Pregap, Length, Anti-modchip, and LibCrypt? If so, how do I find out this info (for single data track PSX CDs)?


(15 replies, posted in General discussion)

I have a few hundred PSX and PS2 games and I'd like to dump them for this site little by little as I have time.
I'm wondering if the dumping procedure in the 'Guide' section is still up to date and accurate. I'll only be dumping disks with a single data track for now until I get the hang of it.