Want to have wiki access, have some PS3 & PS4 discs yet to be dumped that I could make a note about.
2 2022-09-10 19:45:05
Re: PS3 Dumper (4 replies, posted in Guests & account requests)
The upcoming 1.42 of ManaGunZ works for me in 4.89 FW. All good.
3 2022-08-17 20:25:46
Re: PS3 Dumper (4 replies, posted in Guests & account requests)
"Dump encrypted Blu-Ray disc" works fine with Evilnat Cobra in 4.89 FW, however the important step "Generate GetKey dump" does not. I have filled out an issue if anyone else is interested: https://github.com/Zarh/ManaGunZ/issues/119