Jackal wrote:_Maki wrote:[Removed my idiotic first tries]
Two questions. How does this work with multitrack CDs? I have the error range, which goes from 329000 to 336200, but of course, with multiple BINs, this information is useless. I need the range based on which bin tracks are affected, and their range.
Secondly, for testing, I used a small range like 2000 to 3000 on the first BIN, and CDArchive did its thing, but at the end, the SECT folder was empty. Did I do something wrong?
Are you sure your disc is Ring Protech?
And why are you trying sectors 900-2100 with CDArchive if you say the error range is 329000 to 336200?
That was just for tests. I was hoping to use this method for another disc, where the Plextor drive couldn't read part of it, but Optiarc can. But this disc has multiple tracks, so I can't just tell CDArchive to go look at 329000 to 336200 when none of the *.bin files is that long by itself. So I chose a sector near the beginning to see if it would work, and it did, but no Sector files were dumped.
Also, the bad sectors are on the audio part of the disc, so even if I managed to extract the correct range and merge them into the *.bins, EccEdc can't check them, because they are not Mode1 data sectors.
I hope I'm not being too confusing or annoying in general, just trying a few things here...
Unless someone has some ideas, I'll probably just search for a disc in better condition to properly dump it with DIC.