(2 replies, posted in News)

This is an important milestone for all of us. Preservation is necessary! Let's go for the 200.000!


(3,508 replies, posted in General discussion)

Ok sarami I have some updates:

Jeff Wayne works fine with PCem, probably a false positive.
But M&MIV is weird: I have installed the game on the 98 machine and it simply refuses to run even with the disc (not the one I've sent you the logs, but the "Play Disc"). But there's a catch: if I enable the SecuROM emulation in Daemon Tools, the game will boot with the bin/cue image. Seems like they screwed up the SecuROM protection while mastering the discs (it's a released by Wanted Games). There's no SecuROM sector but there are some leftovers that will still cause issues.


(3,508 replies, posted in General discussion)

sarami wrote:
LoStraniero91 wrote:

First log is for Might & Magic VI and with PCem it acts just like other old SecuROM games: it just hangs when launching it.

1. What is the region? GER, JPN, KOR, and USA don't have the protection. http://redump.org/discs/system/pc/letter/m/?page=3
2. How about other emulators or virtual machines (Virtual Box, VMware)?

1. Both games have 2 discs and are ITA.
2. Other emulatos won't work, VMWare only supports Direct3D acceleration/emulation starting from Windows XP. But I do have a PC with W98.

Also, I can do further tests because these games were sent by McNelly and he had issues with them and this pesky SecuROM. It's just confusing and I hope to be done with them in short time.


(3,508 replies, posted in General discussion)

sarami wrote:
LoStraniero91 wrote:

without the intentional SecuROM error.

Yes, there is not SecuROM error in _subError.txt. Probably, it is deactivated.

Very weird indeed. First log is for Might & Magic VI and with PCem it acts just like other old SecuROM games: it just hangs when launching it. Second log is Jeff Wayne and it runs fine. Do you need more data/logs for them?


(3,508 replies, posted in General discussion)

Hey sarami, can you please check these logs as I have these discs with SecuROM (unknown version, but the scan reveals it) that will dump without the intentional SecuROM error. Thank you.

https://mega.nz/file/VuQUCZJD#2c6T_Z0j2 … eteBQ-kaHU
https://mega.nz/file/xrYCiRwI#xYCAN7HpN … p637oGeekM

I've only dealt with CodeLock once, and I can tell you it's a weird one: it's a mixture of both LaserLock (due of the rings) and SafeDisc (due of the errors being in a pattern instead of all bunched up together like your everyday ring protection).
Your best bet to dump a CodeLock protected game is to use CloneCD with a non-Plextor drive.

I think Jackal will be able to assist you even better.


(3,508 replies, posted in General discussion)

Balthier wrote:
LoStraniero91 wrote:

Hello Sarami,
I've recently dumped a multisession disc with 2 sessions: first session has 4 audio tracks, second has data. I don't know if it's normal to hit an error when reaching the end of the session (basically the error that says the unit will retry in 10000 milliseconds). The data track alone came out with 153745 errors. I've uploaded the logs. Even if I dumped the disc twice and bin have the same hashes, I'm unsure if it was dumped correctly.

From EccEdc.txt:
[ERROR] Number of sector(s) where mode2 NoEdc subheader(0x10 - 0x17) isn't same: 153737
LBA[062809, 0x0f559], MSF[12:d9:34], mode 2 no edc, Subheader isn't same. [0x10]:0000, [0x11]:0x28, [0x12]:0x08, [0x13]:0x1e, [0x14]:0x80, [0x15]:0x08, [0x16]:0x68, [0x17]:0x06,

above equals a subheader value of "0028 081e 8008 6806" in hex which means scrambled data.
Looks like the whole data track came out scrambled.

Scrambled image matches normal image in disc.txt as well.
<rom name="Disney Demo 2 (Italy).scm" size="482503392" crc="7c781444" md5="43fbe8f2b080eac7c1e7fb74ab68223e" sha1="75f30bdf602b2154d60203f91e549fc82ebd435f"/>
<rom name="Disney Demo 2 (Italy).img" size="482503392" crc="7c781444" md5="43fbe8f2b080eac7c1e7fb74ab68223e" sha1="75f30bdf602b2154d60203f91e549fc82ebd435f"/>

Thanks for the insight.


(3,508 replies, posted in General discussion)

Hello Sarami,
I've recently dumped a multisession disc with 2 sessions: first session has 4 audio tracks, second has data. I don't know if it's normal to hit an error when reaching the end of the session (basically the error that says the unit will retry in 10000 milliseconds). The data track alone came out with 153745 errors. I've uploaded the logs. Even if I dumped the disc twice and bin have the same hashes, I'm unsure if it was dumped correctly.


(3,508 replies, posted in General discussion)

Sarami, is it possible to add a function in DIC where you can just output a .cue without having to dump the whole disc? I have many ringed discs and the only way I can generate a .cue is to eject the disc and reinsert it past the ring sections so it completes the dump (without /c2). It's annoying!


(3,508 replies, posted in General discussion)

sarami wrote:
LoStraniero91 wrote:

Xbox 360 DVD dumping is broken

Fixed http://www.mediafire.com/file/eq80y20l9 … st.7z/file

Still doesn't work, it dumps the SSv1 then I get this

Reading DirectoryRecord    4/   4
[F:ReadDVDForFileSystem][L:884] GetLastError: 87, Parametro non corretto.

Please wait for 25000 milliseconds until the device is returned
EndTime: 2019/12/21(Sat) 12:35:53

And it ends with the failing beeping sound.

Also Estonian should be added, as DeeDyne dumped some disc with that language!


(3,508 replies, posted in General discussion)

Xbox 360 DVD dumping is broken since release 1.15-200 (using DICUI). It will dump the SSv1 (I'm using a Kreon drive), but when it's about to begin the disc dumping, it fails with:

Output SSv1 to SS.bin
Output SSv1 to SS.bin
Reading DirectoryRecord    4/   4
LBA[-196576, 0xfffd0020]: [F:ReadXBOXFileSystem][L:1014]
        Opcode: 0xa8
        ScsiStatus: 0x02 = CHECK_CONDITION
        SenseData Key-Asc-Ascq: 05-24-00 = ILLEGAL_REQUEST - INVALID FIELD IN CDB
EndTime: 2019/12/19(Thu) 14:21:19

Can you please fix this issue? It's really annoying having to use a separate previous version just to dump these discs.


(24 replies, posted in General discussion)

Nexy wrote:

It is, the first sector usually has something other than 00 in it.

Perfect. Both Hugo: Nell'Isola Selvaggia and WarChiefs are now fixed.


(24 replies, posted in General discussion)

Just redumped http://redump.org/disc/63746/ without /sf, 10 bad MSF errors. Those sectors are entirely filled with 0x00 but the sync. I hope this is correct for SmartE.


(24 replies, posted in General discussion)


The Lite-On SOHD-167T managed to read sector 4953, bringing the total error count to 960. I think that's the max it could do. I tried re-reading the sectors "before" the good ones 50 times and it failed.


(24 replies, posted in General discussion)

Time to get going!


(3,508 replies, posted in General discussion)

My bad sarami.
But here's some good news.
I've tried again the game on XP SP3 and it worked. Here's how I've made this dump:
1) With DIC+Plextor without C2, when the drive reached the ring section, I've ejected the disc, waited for the drive to get near the end of the disc, then reinserted it and it made the bin/cue;
2) Using CDArchive with an OptiArc 7230 (I will buy 7280 some time later), I've tried to read as much sectors as possible (there are actually two rings, or maybe the disc is a bit scratched, I don't know, errors always occur after the ring sections);
3) The game worked with my PC with XP SP3 installed, with a VM with XP SP3 installed on my main PC with Windows 10 and natively with Windows 10 by executing the game with XP SP3 compatibility mode.

Still, I want to make some more testing before submitting it, even it the game works without asking for the original CD!


(3,508 replies, posted in General discussion)

Nexy wrote:

BurnOut is kind of junk, did you try ProtectionID ?

Both DIC's internal protection scanner (which is taken from BurnOut AFAIK) and ProtectionID says it's protected by Sysiphus. There's a page about this game in GameCopyWorld, I'm sharing the link only if it won't cause any problem.


(3,508 replies, posted in General discussion)

Hi sarami, what kind of protection is "Sysiphus"? I have the Italian version of Coffee Break, not only it has a ring but it also contains this particular anti-copy. Do you have any info about it?


(8 replies, posted in General discussion)

Knowing Lizard for such a long time, I will agree with everyone that he is a welcome addition to the moderator team to speed up the work!


(2 replies, posted in Guests & account requests)

What's up with all these spambots? iR0b0t can you do something?


(3,508 replies, posted in General discussion)

sarami wrote:
LoStraniero91 wrote:

I've tried the build with /sf flag for DVD with that CMR04 disc with RingProtecH, when it reaches the ring area, it will attempt to re-read the sector 5 times then it just fails. When I start the dump, it says that "the /sf flag is obmitted".

It needs to edit ReadErrorProtect.txt and then use /sf flag.

Still unsure how to make it work. Can you please tell me step by step? Thank you.


(3,508 replies, posted in General discussion)

sarami wrote:
LoStraniero91 wrote:

Trying to dump Colin McRae Rally 2.0 for PC, it has SafeDisc, but the "subintention.txt" files comes out empty.

subintention is for SecuROM or Libcrypt, not SafeDisc. If you use /ns, subintention.txt is created.

Gotcha! BTW, I've tried the build with /sf flag for DVD with that CMR04 disc with RingProtecH, when it reaches the ring area, it will attempt to re-read the sector 5 times then it just fails. When I start the dump, it says that "the /sf flag is obmitted".


(3,508 replies, posted in General discussion)

Hello sarami,

since my Plextor doesn't work anymore with the adapter, I'm forced to install it on an old PC running Windows XP, hence I must use DIC in command line.

Trying to dump Colin McRae Rally 2.0 for PC, it has SafeDisc, but the "subintention.txt" files comes out empty. I have all the logs if you need them.

Greetings everyone.

I’ve decided it was time to tackle on this DVD PC disc. What’s so special about this DVD? Well! It has a physical anti-copy protection!!!

I’ve bought this game in a newsstand, and it’s a release by FX Interactive with a proper case, an instruction manual and even a different setup. I don’t know much about FX Interactive but I think this would be helpful.
I’ve already tried to dump this disc at the beginning of my “Redump career”, but someone told me it was just too early. Now fast-forward until today, I think I’ve collected as much information as needed to determinate how we could dat this particular disc.

-- THE RING --

This anti-copy protection is commonly called “Ring” and it has intentional errors in the sectors inside it. As you can see in the picture, it has a 1mm darker ring about 2/3 of the disc. This could certainly be the well-known “Ring PROTECH” or “ProRing”
In this ring there are a bunch of dummy files that, of course, are not readable as the driver will make skipping noise when detecting the “ringed sectors”. The list of the dummy files is the following:


This site https://www.cdmediaworld.com/hardware/c … tech.shtml says that there are checks to see the files inside the ring. This doesn’t happen with this disc/game, there are no file checking at all. The protection, in this case, it’s only physical. I’ve managed to complete a dump and install the game with the iso, and it worked without a hitch!

-- DUMPING -- 

The “fun” part comes by dumping this game. I’ve tried 3 softwares: IsoBuster, Alcohol 120% and CloneCD DICUI still doesn’t support error skipping in DVD discs, so I couldn’t use it.
IsoBuster and Alcohol 120% would took so much time, but CloneCD is the one that did the job!
CloneCD was set to use the default settings: 0 reading attempts and software error corrections.

For this disc, I’ve used 3 drives: a very old TEAC DV-516D, a HL-DT-ST DVDRAM and a Pioneer BD-RW BDR-209M with 1.52 FW.
The TEAC drive took the longer: clocking about 8 hours and 15 minutes!!!!! One dump made with this one.
The HL drive would take about 2 hours. Three dumps made with this one.
The Pioneer took a bit less than the HL. One dump made with this one.

The hashes were discordant between the complete dumps with different drives. Some would detected “more errors”.
The sector range of the ring is between LBA 1271968 to LBA 1295647. This was tested by using the sector viewer in IsoBuster with the HL and the Pioneer drive.
The 3rd LG dump could be the correct one when comparing the range of errors. All bad sectors were filled with 00 patterns. The way I did to ensure it was correct was to use the “extract from-to” option in IsoBuster by starting the extraction from LBA 0 to LBA 1271967 and from LBA 1295648 to the last sector using both HL and Pioneer drives and the 3rd HL dump iso, all the hashes matched.

With all this said and documented, I really hope that all my efforts aren't wasted because I felt like having to deal with disc sooner or later. So please, if I need to do some more testing before we can greenlight this dump, just tell me. I'm more than happy to try again if something is still not clear. smile

https://imgur.com/a/rSDYqLi photos of the disc and the drives