Hmm, I'm not familiar with .LSD, probably not from redump. I can easily generate anything from redumper output, .SBI is lame, but that's the only way we can have it right now.
I don't know who has invented that .LSD format, but it is already on redump. For example: on at top of the page it does show "Download: SHA1 • MD5 • SFV • Cuesheet • SBI" and at the bottom it shows "Sectors with LibCrypt protection" as so "03:08:05 41 01 01 07 06 05 00 23 08 05 ff b8" (which includes the CRC16 bytes "FF B8", which are only found in LSD files, not in SBI files).
I am well aware of that, all my Medievil EU retail copies have only one encoding scheme, that is hardcoded based on the only discs I have here. I'm very open for a better detection method, please suggest.
Well, get rid of the _LIBCRYPT_SECTORS_MEDIEVIL table, and always use _LIBCRYPT_SECTORS_BASE for everything including MediEvil.
Then there's that "exactly 8 of 16 sectors are changed" convention, and the detection could rely on that (or maybe the LIBCRYPT_SECTORS_COUNT code already does something alike, I understand that part of the code).
If the backups exist, check that each group of 2 or 4 sectors has the same state (all changed or all not changed), for example, look at the table here: … bcrypt.htm the 4 sectors for "bit15" should be all having the same state.
If you want to support scratched discs, release the backup rules a bit.
A "1" bit must have errors in all 4 sectors.
A "0" bit shouldn't have errors on any of the 4 sectors.
A "0" bit could have some errors on scratched discs, you could filter them out, show warnings, and raise the warning level depending on the nunber of scratches.
I remember I was checking Track 1 sizes for the whole library and I haven't found any candidate for that.
Good to know. The two cases with short Track 1 are
-- Minute 9 is in Lead-Out (Net Yaroze), or
-- Minute 9 is in the Audio-Track region (Gekido)
I am wondering if they really don't have Libcrypt backups on minute 9, or if the dumping hardware/software is just unable to find them.
P.S. Let me know if you want/need RAW or processed subchannel for the Net Yaroze disc, I can share.
Yes! Something like a CloneCD .SUB file should do it. Or better, if you can filter out the intact sectors: Something like an .SBI or .LSD file, or some .TXT file like the list with the "Sectors with LibCrypt protection" on the redump pages (but with ALL scratched or modified sectors, for the whle disc from minute 0 and up).
There's that myth(?) that the Yaroze Demo disc didn't work on retail consoles. If you have a PSX retail console around, could you give it a try? And mention if it was a EU/US/JP console, with/without modchip.