(2 replies, posted in General discussion)

You are right, my LiteOn DH4O1S BDROM was able to read the sector. My Sony NEC Optiarc AD-7240S could not.


(2 replies, posted in General discussion)

I saw that WipEout 2097 was changed in the DB.

I have the old data track with the following hash:
Size:    86327808
CRC32:    ea86c3d4
MD5:    abc728b3e189583dab445c308aa0bea8
SHA1:    785fbd4f6b9cd0c15893cc82b39a757f34f1f1b7

I tried redumping my disc and it has a read error at sector 36703 (last sector).
This seems to be normal: http://forum.redump.org/topic/246/added … sles00327/
psxt001z --fix adds a correct header and sets user data to all zero.
This is how the old hash comes together.

What do I have to do to convert it to the new hash?


(7 replies, posted in General discussion)

New drive arrived, PerfectRip working PERFECTLY smile


(7 replies, posted in General discussion)

Of course, me ain't stupid ^^

I'll wait until my new Plextor drive from eBay arrives, so I can use PerfectRip.

I found a very old PX-32CSi drive for SCSI. It works fine, but the fimrware is v1.00 and the ROM chip has to be replaced manually, flashing is not supported xD
Anyway, the system with the CD caddy is funny AND it helped keep the drive in very good shape over all these years.


(7 replies, posted in General discussion)

Ah, mit einem anderen Laufwerk (+1268) habe ich jetzt ein Offset gefunden (+1270 combined, factory write offset = +2).

Leider hat mir EAC beim Auslesen einen Synch-Fehler  am Anfang von Track 02 angezeigt, obwohl die CD noch on Ordnung ist. Ich werde es mal mit einem anderen Laufwerk versuchen.


(5 replies, posted in General discussion)

I have some PSX discs from my childhood which were originally bought from game rental shops, so they have a lot of scratches.

The thing is, some of them are not yet in the database, and usually only one or two audio tracks can't be read properly.

Is it of any help to you if I try to dump these and just let out the unreadable audio tracks, or dosn't it help you at all?

Hi there!

I have a problem dumping a PSX disc (Golden Goal '98 by Take 2 Interactive, German, SLES-01222)
It has one data and one audio track (nothing audible with an audio player).

psxt001z.exe --libcryptdrvfast J: >lcscan.txt

psxt001z by Dremora, v0.21 beta 1

Subchannels offset correction: -1

Reading sector 13955... original sector
Reading sector 13960... original sector
Reading sector 14081... original sector
Reading sector 14086... original sector
Reading sector 14335... original sector
Reading sector 14340... original sector
Reading sector 14429... original sector
Reading sector 14434... original sector
Reading sector 14499... original sector
Reading sector 14504... original sector
Reading sector 14749... original sector
Reading sector 14754... original sector
Reading sector 14906... original sector
Reading sector 14911... original sector
Reading sector 14980... original sector
Reading sector 14985... original sector
Reading sector 15092... original sector
Reading sector 15097... original sector
Reading sector 15162... original sector
Reading sector 15167... original sector
Reading sector 15228... original sector
Reading sector 15233... original sector
Reading sector 15478... original sector
Reading sector 15483... original sector
Reading sector 15769... original sector
Reading sector 15774... original sector
Reading sector 15881... original sector
Reading sector 15886... original sector
Reading sector 15951... original sector
Reading sector 15956... original sector
Reading sector 16017... original sector
Reading sector 16022... original sector
Reading sector 41895... 
Error reading subchannel data!

Another problem is that the audio track has no pregap (0 sec) says EAC.
[The data track has a pregap of 2 sec)

And the in IsoBuster Sector View, there isn't really scambled data visible at the initial adress of Track02, only many 00's and a few FF's
The FF's always occur in pairs of two bytes (like FF FF).

So, how do I find the drive offset?
I know that both of my drives have +6 in the AccuRip database and I have confirmed this with the test in EAC.

IsoBuster says the whole disc has a size of 83.535.872 Bytes.




  REM SESSION 01        ; Not supported by other applications (*)
    TRACK 01 MODE2/2352
      INDEX 01 00:00:00
      REM MSF: 00:00:00 = LBA: 0
      INDEX 01 06:02:61
      REM MSF: 06:02:61 = LBA: 27211

REM (*) SESSION directives are unfortunately not properly supported
REM     'out there'.  IsoBuster however supports them !