Real cues normally have only INDEX (00 & 01 to store gaps)
177 2009-08-12 06:38:15
Re: Imagediff (1 replies, posted in General discussion)
It's avaible only for dumpers, sorry. … n-anymore/
178 2009-08-12 06:36:03
Re: Gamecube renaming after moving to no-intro... (22 replies, posted in General discussion)
WTF is the point of this thread? the extension was changed from .gcm to .iso.. It's not a big deal, is it?
Around 7-8 posts were deleted, so someone who read it now could not understand anything.
Yes it's not a big deal, like a lot of other discussions, by the way it was changed so for someone would have been an important issue.
And if there are certain staff members that always come up with conflicting views (and use the most !'s in their posts), then maybe it's better that they start putting their effort in other things?
Are you talking to me? If yes: no comment, I don't want to restart again the offtopic discussion.
179 2009-08-11 20:23:55
Re: Gamecube renaming after moving to no-intro... (22 replies, posted in General discussion)
Hey themabus, now I have to ask you... how old are you?
My words are pointing at your ideas and not at you, indeed you are pointing at me in your last posts. Expecially...
you kept ignoring what iR0b0t and other people wrote - those posts are deleted now
maybe you did it yourself - i don't know, it wouldn't surprise me
Do you know the difference? I never said you are dumb, I said your ideas, the ones on renaming, are dumb. Do you know the difference?
There's nothing offensive in Fireball's words too, you should know well he often speaks rude. And I want to remember that someone else said me I can make my own dats when I didn't agree to no-intro switch. Did I take it personally?
You want me to elaborate more and more things I have explained times and times. No sorry I'm bored. If you think I'm personally vs you or vs no-intro, go on I will simply ignore you.
iR0bot, ok! Probably nobody reply because they have not so many infos or because they don't care (that doesn't mean everybody likes .ISO) or simply because the discussion was at the border of flames and they don't want to be involved.
180 2009-08-11 16:32:59
Re: Gamecube renaming after moving to no-intro... (22 replies, posted in General discussion)
Did you read somewhere I said you or themabus said ALWAYS bullshit!? Did you read somewhere I said your XBOX research is bullshit!? Did you read somewhere I said themabus' ice, remove and so on are bullshit (I regard him more than once)!? Did you read somewhere I said my words are the Truth!?
Indeed you can read I wanted and needed explanation about your changes and assertions I find weird and / or wrong and I got no rational replies, unless an implicit "because we like it", and "lols" or "something else" about my replies or tries to change my words, that's all.
181 2009-08-11 15:14:26
Re: Gamecube renaming after moving to no-intro... (22 replies, posted in General discussion)
Ok now it's finally clear at least to me: if someone is not on your side or accomplish with your ideas he is ignoring you (how could you say I ignored you if I reply to every msg, iR0b0t? I remember you deleted also my posts, this is not so correct if you now affirm I've ignored you!) or take it personally (yes themabus, go on with your "black" about me even suggesting I had deleted my own posts. Here you have passed the border, I like you to know!).
Normally people move discussion to a personal stage when they have no more ideas about the real discussion.
but you could have e.g. John Smith (555-1212) & John Smith (555-7777) denoting telephone nr. for example
Yes and for example this is the "old renaming we used" because tel ns. are serials. Another of your suggestions.
Ah and again, you didn't understand anything even if I explained line by line.
You haven't understood yet that in all my posts you report up again I was referring to your fantastic suggestions and how someone (see you, for example) wants to use no-intro switch, like a great fun game.
On both renaming there are all the flags you need unless new ones we have to create because of digital media issue, by the way those flags aren't the ones you continue to suggest like they were the Graal.
About Fireball, he said explicit that Dremora is working on a new DB when he replied you, and his words are very similar to mine... so what the fuck I have to tell him? Who is ignoring whom?
Ok, from now on I'll try really to ignore you (so you'll be happy) unless when you, both themabus and iR0b0t, will confuse new users and dumpers.
EDIT: Ah themabus, to finish, if you fix EAN sectors in your SCD/SS dump entries, at least post subs or advise "someone" you have checked them!
182 2009-08-10 23:43:11
Re: Gamecube renaming after moving to no-intro... (22 replies, posted in General discussion)
My last reply, if you don't understand I think it's vain to explain anymore
quite obvious to me you create association of this topic, which you are upset about, with move to no-intro convention
'another point to chaos', 'stupid flags', 'hacked dumps extensions'
you do drag your negative feelings about no-intro along
'it's not me who wanted no-intro', 'you have choosen no-intro', 'Why did you want no-intro', 'We (not everybody and a minority) choose to change to no-intro'
you disassociate yourself from decision to move to no-intro,
hence putting youreslf in opposition as if no-intro=bad, you=goodi'm sorry if i misunderstood anything
Yes you misunderstood, but I know well after this last post of yours that it's a problem of our days, most of people see only black or white.
I create an association simply because the changes happen together.
Thanks for reporting something I wrote that was deleted so it's more clear that I have nothing against no-intro but only how it seems you and some others want it to be used.
First, to match DB and dats you have to change DB structure and you cannot add tags in game name to match no-intro. You'll have perfect no-intro dats but a confused DB, I think Fireball wants to say the same.
'another point to chaos', 'stupid flags', 'hacked dumps extensions': these were referred to your actions / words and not to no-intro, it seems to much clear. I'll never say that a glass is useless, but if you break it on the head of someone it hurts, and you cannot say I hate glasses because of this assertion. It's clear now?
What I don't like of no-intro new convention (I mean the last one created a pair of years ago):
1) Long country flags: (E) is better than (Europe).
2) Same as above and something indeed you'd like: (UE) is better than (USA, Europe) ---> this is something awfull IMO.
3) This is the part related to Redump / Digital Media: carts has a REV stamped on circuit, indeed CDs/DVDs has a VER. in header or filesys and sometimes also in ringcode.
First I'd like you and all to understand that REV flag in no-intro has nothing to do with ALT flag, take a look at no-intro dats and you see they use even ALT flag when there's nothing else to differ two roms / disks.
Some systems has A or B or else in ring code so you can use this letter as revision like in no-intro, but you could even find for example 2 disc with A and 2 different VER. And all other systems? You have to use VER. flag. because there's nothing else and you cannot set random REV tags. IMO for digital media we should use VER. to avoid confusion.
Now go on SS, here you have to use ALT flag because there's nothing else known until now that can differ 2 dumps with same REV, DATE, VER., SERIAL, etc. Moreover SS is the only sytem which have all those ALTs you hate, but we cannot do anything. Moreover no-intro accepts ALT flag, but you don't like it. So?
REV => different revision
ALT => same revision but different checksum
under no circumstances would you do this: 'John Smith (v1.0)' & 'John Smith (v1.1)', even if they're twins
This is another of yours, so indeed is it good to have 'John Smith (rev A)' & 'John Smith (rev B)'!?
I concer with you that we have to use EDITION flag to identify a dump, but this way for example:
Game 1 (USA)
Game 2 (USA) (Limited)
and not
Game 1 (USA) (Original)
Game 2 (USA) (Limited)
and if you have this situation:
Game 1 ---> One Limited and one Original dump match
Game 1 ---> One or more Limited dumps
like this again
Game 1 (USA)
Game 2 (USA) (Limited)
and not
Game 1 (USA) (Original, Limited)
Game 2 (USA) (Limited)
I's obvious we have to make changes to no-intro convention, but we aren't no-intro even if some no-intro members are also members here.
We had to change DB and to find a no-intro compromise before switching to no-intro, indeed someone seemed to ansious to go to no-intro.
Now it's clear?
most problems i see are legacy from previous naming:
flags being filled with conflicting values, e.g. (demo) in 'Version', when there is version present,
or in 'Edition' when there is one
conflicting real versions with artificial ones, leaving 'Alt' as only means of breaking such records apart
pseudo-flags in title field denoting bonus medium or edition, etc.
broken relations with bonus media
This has nothing to do with old renaming or no-intro. These are simply mistakes and no-intro doesn't solve anything. AGAIN REV is not ALT.
To add any additional FLAG in dat we have a particoular field, so if something is added in filename field is a mistake. Indeed for Bonus CD it's different IMO, this has to be shown in DB filenames as they are no edition or else. Or did you want to add "Bonus CD" in Edition for more confusion!?
.dat is just an output of db
Yes so it's implicit that DB is father of .dat, you have to change DB structure to output correct dats (something that Dremora is doing) but you cannot adapt DB field entries to match no-intro or other wishes.
Last thing. Again leechers, read the previous post last EDIT.
Going back to Gamecube, topic of this thread.
I simply asked why we had to change an extension that was used also by us since the first GC dump and after I read the last pakkiso (obviously I know that program can be modified to compress everything) info with new compression for DVD isos it seems to me the extension was changed only to help leechers who compress and share images and who burn them (GCM is not a standard extension used by burning software) or that load them on Wiis with new iso loaders and so on..
You want to use .ISO, ok but I have no rational reply. Simply.
183 2009-08-10 18:30:28
Re: Gamecube renaming after moving to no-intro... (22 replies, posted in General discussion)
Rocknroms wrote:What's the meaning of this reply? what have to do all this with GC? If you don't know to much about GC why do you reply?
i reply like this because you keep drawing parallels between GC and DC
(if it's different with GC don't do this please)
and blaming no-intro for messing this up to be leecher friendly, portraing no-intro as something rather negative
(as opposite to you presumably motivated by more noble intentions)
which is absurd anyway - no-intro naming convention do not define extensions
if they were changed at same time it must have been a coincidence
and i'm yet to understand what leechers have to do with this
Ok, you don't understand anything, sorry!
I never said anything bad about no-intro and I'm not against no-intro (only I don't like the "full country" flag), but I've simply always said it's not suitable for CD media and I think everybody here saw the problems we have now, DB against dats.
No-intro doesn't mess up anything, if you really want to hear from me: it's you and another pair of mods who messed up anything. And I repeat for last time, nothing personally.
Unless you take it personally, read yourself again.
(as opposite to you presumably motivated by more noble intentions)
So my intentions should be devilish or something? Is it me who make changes in DB to accomplish his desires of renaming?
Again leechers? Where did you read I wrote about leechers = no-intro or similar, please don't put in my mounth words I've never said just to justify your ideas. I spoke of leechers = pakkiso and nothing else, is that wrong?
Here is the end line, the most costructive reply I got was by DJoneK that simply said "I don't like it" without any fantastic conclusion.
EDIT: I noticed now that a lot of posts have been deleted in this thread, not only the last ones, this makes discussion non-sense if someone read it for the first time.
It should be usefull to understand why some mods delete even posts of other mods especially when there are technical hints about discussion and nothing else. I wrote a post with 5-6 points to support my suggestion and it's not here anymore, well done.
EDIT2 and end: about leechers
Here is what I said
Huh, it has a lot to do. Why did you want no-intro (including all other changes)? Read again all the posts about (the old ones).
I simply mean that someone support the change to no intro convention to have more consideration on leechers because no-intro is older and know better than Also other changes you suggested can help only leechers or collectors of roms and not DB integrity. It's not so difficult to understand, I said read all old posts about.
184 2009-08-09 15:35:43
Re: Gamecube renaming after moving to no-intro... (22 replies, posted in General discussion)
The only other system with needs a specific drive to dump its discs is Dreamcast because it's not a standard CD (you can say that all systems in DB are not standard CD, but this is not true. Protection, subcodes or TOC don't change anything! The only non-standard one is DC). And I never said to rename DC extension.
it doesn't matter how many drives can read what
hardware gets more flexible with time and standards get expandet - it's an variable you're basing your qualification uponDreamcast's GDs are the same Saturn protection + HD area + modded TOC
what about 90 minute CDs, 99 minute ones? Plextor's GigaRec? Overburning?
TOC you can modify yourself with .ccd for example
twin sectors, deliberate bad sectors - not every drive will read those right
CDs with larger offsets? - you need drive capable of overreading to access this data
and not so long ago you basically wouldn't be able to read RAW data as well as full subcode at all
you do need custom media to duplicate PSX or Saturn CDs as well as GDs, or maybe modded hardware, or boththe point is - it's not pits & lands or spiral revolutions stored in DB, it's information about logical layer
which is alike for all of those systemsyou could include file which would define ring for every Saturn CD, wobble for every PSX, ring & HD for DC, etc
(or note those differences with flag or extension for that matter)
but it simply is useless because it applies to every medium from set in the same way
What's the meaning of this reply? what have to do all this with GC? If you don't know to much about GC why do you reply? Find me another system with "same Saturn protection + HD area + modded TOC" or similar to give a little sense to your reply...
It's quite clear that somebody is taking decisions about any aspect of the project justifying them with stupid or no sense matters or simply because they find this matters "cool". When somebody asks about, the only replies hide (or not) stupid or no sense matters or "because I like and it's cool".
At the end it's not important for me to have .GCM or .ISO (it seems so important for someone else), but at least give me a rational reply!
185 2009-08-07 18:54:06
Re: Gamecube renaming after moving to no-intro... (22 replies, posted in General discussion)
Who ever said to mark any media? I'm talking about Nintendo optical media, and mainly Gamecube **. Also PSP needs another extension or are they DVDs?
I said "on your logical level" and not on mine. By the way GDs are well different from any other CDs and we have them splitted in track, so no custom extension is needed.
Once someone will decide to join tracks probably they will need a custom extension.
** ok, I'm tired, I reported many hints about naming them .GCM. Instead I got replies about naming them *.ISO that mean only "because we like it this way" or "because they are DVDs" or "I prefer to talk about something else", not so costructive and wise. So do what you like until project will go nowhere.
186 2009-08-07 15:34:55
Re: Gamecube renaming after moving to no-intro... (22 replies, posted in General discussion)
Hey themabus did I say something bad about pakkiso? Di you read it?
On your logical level, as you said, even DVDs are CDs. And also LP are CD. And if you want even a spiral is a CD.
On my logical level: if a "rounded digital media" cannot be read by the normal way or if only some kind of drives can read it, I cannot call it a standard CD or DVD.
Ok another point to chaos. By the way it's not so important, it's not me who wanted no-intro convention, but it seems that somebody is using no-intro convention to match his wishes (see also what Fireball said), am I wrong?
Read your words
why should they be?
Because you have choosen no-intro and naming convention have a different extention for Nintendo stuff? Because they are non common DVDs?
if it's similar with GC how will extension help?
previous reply, moreover *iso Gamecube images you can find around are normally hacked, fixed, etc. and *.gcm is the regular extension used for Gamecube games.
what has leechers to do with all of this?
Huh, it has a lot to do. Why did you want no-intro (including all other changes)? Read again all the posts about (the old ones).
I reapeat again, simply reply "We change extention because we like *.iso"
iR0b0t, ok so why?
187 2009-08-03 18:55:12
Re: [DONE] What should I call these editions? (37 replies, posted in General discussion)
I agree, as I said a lot of times, that if we have for example:
Game 1
Game 1: Special Edition
which are different games (for example: Special Edition has 1 bonus course), "Special Edition" should go in title and edition for this game is "Original". If the game is the same of "Original" with no bonus or else "Special Edition" is the edition and nothing has to be added to title unless games differ but in this case DB wants this in "datfile" tag (by the way this doesn't match no-intro tags syncro).
188 2009-08-03 13:33:04
Topic: Gamecube renaming after moving to no-intro... (22 replies, posted in General discussion)
I noticed that GC extension was changed from .gcm to .iso
Ok those are 2048 DVD images and it could be right to name them .iso, by the way 99% of scene releases named them .gcm, rawdump named them .gcm (and named .iso "stripped" images, I don't know what it does as I never used that option), I don't know other programs, and moreover GC games are basically 1.5GB roms ported to mini-dvd (do a search to see the beta carts for Dolphin / carts used to develop all GC games), so...
189 2009-08-03 11:48:45
Re: [DONE] What should I call these editions? (37 replies, posted in General discussion)
Indeed I have to understand, unless it was done by Fireball (admin), why some mods delete and move also posts of other mods, like some mods are more mods than others, moreover when there's nothing strange to move or delete!?
190 2009-08-03 00:31:11
Re: Region and language tags (49 replies, posted in General discussion)
Also some Gamecube games have a "only UK" release. Looking at DB you can see these ones have a serial ending with -UKV and quite most of them have also a different multi Euro release.
This is something that begins with previous console generation just to have a release for every language.
If a tag must be used it's better to choose "UK" if we are into no-intro.
191 2009-07-23 22:52:42
Re: do we need all those *bans, i.e. romanized editions? (10 replies, posted in General discussion)
themabus wrote:i moved 'Taikenban' from Version to Title for Japanese PSX set as @satakore
I just hope Dremora is serious about writing a new site, where noone will be able to edit the entries so easy, because with such a "smart" crew, which members rename everything 10 times a month on their own without any discussions and without any logic, this project is going into f@#king nowhere. Over.
I quote this at 100%.
192 2009-07-20 00:58:14
Re: appropriate forum plz (6 replies, posted in General discussion)
Ok, Themabus! You don't understand and you finished to confirm that the old renaming was better. Weeks ago you said that serials are a problem for Japan PSX. What I have to say again?
Simply tell me "I want to rename games that way because I like it" it's not difficult.
Can you move this discussion tot the appropriate forum plz
This is another great point. I have nothing more to say about "who takes decisions" (sorry but 40% in my world is not majority! Expecially when another 40% (10 + 30) wanted to stay as it was) and what kind of renaming you want. Simply say "We want to go no-intro standard" and nothing else. As today I'll rename my stuff on my own without your dumb ideas (obviously I will submit dumps but I don't want to take any discussion about "null").
193 2009-07-19 21:55:36
Re: appropriate forum plz (6 replies, posted in General discussion)
You haven't understand yet that what follows is the shit/chaos:
NOeL - Not Digital (Japan) (Original, Special Edition) (Disc 1..2)
Dungeon Creator (Japan) (Original, Limited Edition)
And you continue to assert that it's rational.
We already use editions in file names, I'm not so blind and I agree to use them, but if Original and Limited match and you have a Bonus CD only avaible with Limited where's the problem to write it down in the notes in DB? Moreover it seems you haven't already understood that this is a hobby.
So go on if you like but I'm not on your side and I think many other people.
I thought you understood but I was wrong.
When you have "Limited Edition" in DB what the **** do you need to add it to dat name?
Moreover, a lot of CD media were moved from their real case (rental, etc. I did it too for some cds of my collection because they were damaged. Most PS2 discs are the same on Original and other editions, and so on) so how could people really know at 100% if they have a proper edition? And you want to add this bullshit even in dat names?excues me, Rocknroms, of course, but imho that is solely your problem
you shouldn't be adding unknown CDs to begin with
besides would this information be available in .dat you could sort your stuff out easily
If you are so sure that all used CDs we bought have the right case... I don't know where you ever bought stuff.
194 2009-07-19 13:07:34
Topic: appropriate forum plz (6 replies, posted in General discussion)
because you're not being rational, Rocknroms
would this information be neccessary - provide additional characteristics,
it would be inserted, in this case in Additional flag
for example, if there would be
Tetris (Japan) & Tetris (Japan)
by 2 different companies those records could look like:
Tetris (Japan) (Square) & Tetris (Japan) (Enix)
ther's nothing wrong with that, imho
Sorry but the one not rational is you!
I was sarcastic because you suggested again to add stupid long tags. It's obvious that you have to use a company tag if this is the only thing you can find to identify them; it's stupid, or ever worse, to use always company tags, etc.
Again I see other comment about avoiding v.1x, etc. THIS IS CHAOS! And I respect everyone's opinion, but there's a limit to this.
DJoneK, "Alt" is used for "Alternate" when there's no difference at all in edition or else but only some bytes.
like, what do you mean 'archived in DB'?
as far as i know no miracle happens when you press 'submit'
what does happen though is record gets added so other people can compare their CDs to this one
as if to the other physical medium
I thought you understood but I was wrong.
When you have "Limited Edition" in DB what the **** do you need to add it to dat name?
Moreover, a lot of CD media were moved from their real case (rental, etc. I did it too for some cds of my collection because they were damaged. Most PS2 discs are the same on Original and other editions, and so on) so how could people really know at 100% if they have a proper edition? And you want to add this bullshit even in dat names?
Instead of asking to remove headers for SS (because of copyrights or other dreams), ask to remove devilish barcodes and other stuff that are not needed for 99% of systems!
There were a lot of good ideas from members and dumpers in General section that even got any reply, but please continue to talk about stupid stuff!
I have nothing agaist you, you had some good ideas and you made great tools for dumping, but please be serious! By the way if you want to go on this way probably I'll made my own dat to avoid stupidity, but I'll never tell a word anymore about how deeper in the hole you'll go with this naming chaos.
195 2009-07-18 19:21:44
Re: No-Intro naming (18 replies, posted in News)
Clap clap!
This is the chaos that will be and why I don't agree with the change. Who cares if Bonus CD is in a Limited Edition or not? It's archived in DB, what else do you need? So why not adding even dates (please in this case insert also "A.D.", it's more cool!), company and so on like tosec shit?
Themabus, this oddity again?
so i think it would have to be:
NOeL - Not Digital (Japan) (Original, Special Edition) (Disc 1)
NOeL - Not Digital (Japan) (Original, Special Edition) (Disc 2)
NOeL - Not Digital (Japan) (Special Edition) (Bonus CD)
And so we have to write a poem? Why not adding even the birth date of Publisher's dog as I said?
196 2009-07-10 01:58:22
Re: Region and language tags (49 replies, posted in General discussion)
Rocknroms wanted to keep the old naming, as did some other people. My only advice to those people is that they should use their own custom naming (several people on here were already doing this, so they should be able to help you in that department).
I don't want to use any custom naming, I simply don't agree with this change.
By the way, at least someone can make an archive of cues splitted by system to help people fix everything.
PS: I hope to be back soon to explain it better and to reply to other topics, along with some new dumps.
EDIT: No-intro convention is super-good for GC/Wii because they are essentially carts (GC had to be a cart system - Dolphin) and they have quite the same flags of other N. carts (no-intro was based first on Nintendo stuff, so probably this is why it has no problem with GC/Wii). Personally, but this is my opinion, I don't like extended country flags ("E" is better than "Europe"). HwitVlf idea of using PAL/NTSC/JAPAN has more sense.
197 2009-07-06 13:04:21
Re: Region and language tags (49 replies, posted in General discussion)
I don't have a lot of time in these days, so I will tell only this: I don't agree with this change.
198 2009-05-30 17:22:28
Re: Problem with seting system for dumped disc (1 replies, posted in General discussion)
I don't think that this disc has to be added, but, if someone else thinks it has to be added, I'm with you about PS2.
199 2009-05-11 01:23:11
Re: Multisession games... (2 replies, posted in General discussion)
Here are the subs of Exception (J) -
Probably those discs need something more than subs to be sure at 100% you have taken a good dump.
200 2009-05-11 00:24:34
Topic: Multisession games... (2 replies, posted in General discussion)
The following games have 2 sessions, first one has audio tracks second has data:
Exception (J) -
Shinseiki GPX Cyber Formula: SIN Cyber GrandPrix 2: Boost Pack (J) (Disc 2) -
I saw other games were added in the IBM PC section.
Some notice:
1) Perfect Rip fails on last audio track, probably because it doesn't understand sessions (?)
2) EAC reports a second session (data track) pregap of ~3.00min (this is wrong)
3) To get right pregap you have to look at the subs (normally pregap is 0.00 in subs, but I have the doubt that it has to be set to 2.00 as every first track on CDs). Can someone confirm?
4) To install or play those game you have to burn them because "cue" doesn't support sessions and so you cannot see second session / data. Obviously you have to burn them in multisession mode.
5) Session 2 data tracks cannot be checked by CDmage, probably because of some empty sectors (or wrong headers?) at the beginning of data track.
6) Write offset was obviously taken from session2, but it could also be wrong (?)