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Hey Jackal ! How are you doing ?
Passing by and glad to see redump is not dead.
I read this and I have a suggestion that you may want to forward to our admin friend.
When users try to register they get the message : This forum is not accepting new registrations.
irobot should edit the template/phrase to point to the account request forum.
Cheers !
oh snap! can't trust anyone nowadays
Nice, thank you.
Wouldn't the project grow faster if there was a link in the front page, I have never seen the wiki before.
There is an alternate serial for WipeOut (PS) it's a bit different than the one in db.
Here is the back cover link
There is also a greatest hits version of WipeOut (src: gamefaqs) which isn't this one above.
So three packaging.
OK thanks for this explanation
iR0b0t wrote:chd is something specifically, its a file container and not a file descriptor !
Isn't ISO a container too?
who thinks the MAME chd format is better than cue sheets?
Does it count all redumps?
Posts found: 10