hi All, I was planning to write this guide, because as a newbie here, i.e. "late to the party", I have faced significant challenges to find working (or at least usable) Plextor in this 2nd half of 2021 - everything on reasonable price is basically with broken laser and it needs repair.
So, while, my guide is not ready yet (I am still testing, experimenting some aspects of the information I am planning to post here), I decided to announce it in advance due to some very recent changes in the Wiki that were made in the last days:
http://wiki.redump.org/index.php?title= … patibility
marking most Plextor drives as "Not recommended, drive is known for having its laser die quickly". That statement is something I disagree with it as it's telling even less than half of the story.
First of all, I made similar comment for the Plextors using Sanyo OPUs here:
That I will not attribute to Plextor alone, but to Sanyo OPUs they used, e.g. DB10 in PX708/712 and DS10 in PX755/766. Those were used in NEC drives as well and I have literally pile of NEC drives next to me with dead DB10/DS10 OPUs, exactly like the Plextor.
but what is most important is that those Sanyo OPUs are cheap and abundant - including instead risking and buying Chinese fake, you can take them out of a "donor drive" made by other brands like the NECs, I mentioned above. So, why don't recommend a drive that is having really life-time supply of spare lasers?!
Second, as far as PX-716 is concerned - my dead ones, are really, really low-hour, according to the usage counters that QpxTool shows in Linux. My PX-716 that is working fine is the most heavily used Plextor drive in the past that I own - again, based on QpxTool usage counters and yet it's still working contrary to recommended PX-760, according to the Wiki, which Sanyo laser died in my case for less than 10 time the usage of my working PX-716. Not to mention that PX-716 are cheap, i.e. at least I bought working one cheaper than the cost of replacing the laser in PX-760. So, it seems to me there are batches of PX-716 that die fast, but when they die it's at the very beginning of their life. Also, best about PX-716 is that they don't use Sanyo DB10/DS10 OPUs. Based on my personal experience if PX-716 has many hours of use and its laser is still fine - it will not die and last much longer than any of the other Plextor DVD drive using Sanyo DB10/DS10 OPUs.
So, the above is just few of my point, why I really disagree with the statements made in the Wiki in the last days, as just too general and not even touching the surface of the issue. So, to be continued... I will edit this post with my laser replacement guide, when I am fully ready... BTW, I already posted some small information about laser replacements here:
where I installed laser from PX-708A to PX-712 and repair it that way, which has its benefits, but it's the least interesting replacement option, because someone would argue, PX-708 could cost more than working PX-712. Anyway, stay tuned...