Hello!  I picked up a Kreon drive and have 7 US Xbox games ready to post verifications, 4 of which are on the Xbox USA Missing Dumps list, where my dumps confirm the US copies are indeed the same as the EU versions.

I'd like to request a forum account so I can post these verifications.  (I don't necessarily need Wiki access myself, just forum access to post the verifications, as long as whomever processes the verification can then also update the wiki to remove those titles from the undumped US games list once they verify that my US dump matches the existing EU dump.)

Welcome, obtain your password here.

(check the spam folder in case there will be no message in your inbox)

Please make sure you read and understand the dumping process and the way you have to submit the dumping logs before posting your dump info.

Feel free to ask question on the forum, or via Discord about how to get started preserving games with Redump:

PX-760A (+30), PX-W4824TA (+98), GSA-H42L (+667), GDR-8164B (+102), SH-D162D (+6), SOHD-167T (+12)