I have just started to jump back into contributing, the last I contributed was a long time ago with Wii games. I have been dumping my PS3 discs with MPF (DICUI) and have been trying to fill out the information as completely as possible, but it seems that the key is only dump-able with a PS3 or PS3 drive. I have a PS3 that I can install PS3HEN to, and I'm curious if I should be making the effort to install HEN on it? Is there any way for me to dump the keys with HEN? I would rather not have to redump the entire discs again, but I suppose I could if that's necessary. What I would like to do is just insert the discs into the PS3, dump the key, stick it with the data that I've already dumped with MPF, and submit it all to the Verification section
Thanks in advance for any help you guys offer.