Hello friends. I decided to request for an account here, because I see myself in a position where I can prevent many video game made in Iran in the 2000s-early 2010s from being lost forever. Most of these games were released only once, in not huge numbers, and then never re-released again physically or digitally, despite some of them being considered as important milestones in Iran's video game industry. And are mostly just rotting away in people's (including mine) basements.
Not only that, almost none of these games can be obtained online, not even through illegal ways. And Googling them (even in Farsi) brings up almost zero helpful results. And my understanding is that even for the ones that were later re-released to a worldwide audience via Steam, Redump would still be interested the dumps of the original, physical release.
Luckily I have access to a couple of these games myself, and can get my hands on even more of them via friends. And I'd be happy to search through various forum threads and message other people online who might still have even more of these lost games. And hopefully get them to dump and preserve those before it's too late.
If you're more interested in the history of Iran's video game industry, here's a great article on Gamasutra: https://www.gamasutra.com/view/news/358 … o_2019.php
And If Redump is not interested in these dumps, I'll still be dumping and preserving them by myself. But it would be great if they were immortalized here, as part of this de facto official database. Thanks in advance.