Hello! I'm trying to confirm that this...
https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0050SX97I/re … 1Eb188TZVM
(MGS HD Collection, PS3, Standard)
Is the exact same disc that came with this...
https://www.amazon.com/dp/B005PSTTJA/re … 1EbD4BXFPA
(MGS HD Collection, PS3, Limited)
Basically, I have the Limited Edition, and I'm looking to replace the disc with a brand new copy of the same thing from the Standard Edition release. I want to make sure it's the same disc in every way possible (including the data on the disc).
If the disc labels look exactly the same, and I dump (using the PS3 dumping guide) both my original disc (from my Limited Edition) and the replacement disc (from a standard edition release), and the SHA1s match... Is there any point in verifying that the metadata and ring information are same? Do the metadata and ring info ever differ between discs if the SHA1s match?
Please help ease my collector OCD! Thanks so much!