I'm about to do verification dumps on multiple psx disks, often adding missing info like barcodes or ring info.
What I don't get is the "Write offset" attribute in the ring info table, let's take this example:
Of all examples I looked at, the offset is always identical to the offset written above in the general game info.
My understanding is that the offset is based on the data of the disk and that it can't be found by looking at the ring.
So why is there an entry?
Also, each line in the rings table is a seperate entry from a separate disc of a separate dumper, right?
So, in the example, the lowermost line of the rings table seems to have 2 entries in the mould SID.
Does that mean there were 2 IFPI numers on the same disc?
Is this even possible? I haven't seen it before.
Also, when I do the dump, I edit the !submissionInfo file later, because I read the ring info afterwards.
Now different to the last time I did a dump, there's now not ony a txt fie but a json file as well.
Is it ok if I just edit the text file?
Finally, how is it possible that a data track is verified but the cuesheet and PVD is not?
I see this a lot of times, again like in the example.