26 (edited by psydefx 2015-04-22 19:27:27)

i just used the new rebug toolbox and dumped both eid and nor flash. made my 3dump.bin and will test dump an iso later. then ill use your getkey tool to get disc key smile

edit: well looks like cobra cfws dont allow direct disc access . im gettin operation is not allowed error

27 (edited by NvrBst 2015-04-25 11:21:08)

I use REBUG 4.65.2 in cobra mode and it for sure works. The thing is mmCM doesn't allow direct disc access, but, if you switch into multiMAN mode (via mM > Settings) then you can use the direct disc access feature. It'll auto start in mmCM mode next time you start if you're on cobra os.

If your on 4.70.1 then I don't think mM has been updated with the 4.70 pointers yet, that could be why, but, I haven't personally tested (I kinda thought it'd still work even without the pointers updated, but, I know some things don't work, this could be one; especially if it's giving you an error, typically, the option just wouldn't show up if your in mmCM mode). mM will probably be updated eventually if your patient, though it could be weeks.


yes i did switch to multiman mode when trying direct disc access and also disabled cobra and still got the same error. i tried with multiman 4.65, but ill wait for dean to update it to 4.70cfw

29 (edited by psydefx 2015-05-17 04:17:00)

okay multiman was just updated to 4.70.00 and now its working

30 (edited by Starshadow 2015-06-06 22:21:37)

I just noticed that links to the 3k3y tools are dead, since the 3k3y site is gone. Here are mirrors.

3k3y Keydumper: https://mega.co.nz/#!ZoZ20CAL!fIOlwHWMr … g83xBXeRT4

3k3y Ripper A.K.A. IsoTools: https://mega.co.nz/#!EpI1hYTL!xSs9XGHKC … IWhLkoTIVU

Edit: So was the link to GetKey: https://mega.co.nz/#!stYVGTpR!Qp1WMye6a … d0Jb0KMYvE

31 (edited by Jackal 2015-12-31 10:11:21)

Thanks, links fixed in first post tongue

I've also attached PS3Dec-r5 for those who still need it.

Post's attachments

PS3Dec-r5.7z 65.36 kb, 41 downloads since 2015-12-31 

You don't have the permssions to download the attachments of this post.

Not sure if this belongs here, but can anyone provide a method to reliably determine languages featured in PS3 games (except changing system language and test)?
Can it be recognised from specific files or folder structures on the discs?

33 (edited by Enker 2016-01-17 23:39:48)

The only accurate way to get them is by changing the system settings or checking for in-game language options. Even games with matching EBOOT.BINs can have different languages (see FFXIII-2).

Mega link for Getkey-r2 appears to be down for me, can anyone confirm please?

neoxite wrote:

Mega link for Getkey-r2 appears to be down for me, can anyone confirm please?

It just worked for me. Try a different browser maybe?

Never mind, it's working now. Thanks anyway!

I recently started a few PS3 games that i have with my PC, 2 are already in the dat, i have other 2 that aren't, "Dragon Age - Origins" and "UFC 2010 Undisputed", now, i know that there is a Dragon Age - Origins dump in the dat but mine is different, the code on the ring is different (BPSS-053470A1 3) and the crc is different but the size is the same as the v1.0, i don't know how to extract the data from the iso as to verify if it's actually different on the PC side. Can someone help me?

Use IsoBuster to extract "PS3_GAME/PARAM.SFO"

Then you can check the version at the bottom and see if it's different.

Enker wrote:

Use IsoBuster to extract "PS3_GAME/PARAM.SFO"

Then you can check the version at the bottom and see if it's different.

Thanxs, it seems that the Dragon Age: Origins dump i have is the same than the one on the dat but for some reason clrmame pro doesn't recognize it if i put it on a folder and only when i compress it on a zip it recognizes it, i also used hascalc to double check, my only doubt is the ring numbers are different than the one on the database (as previously mention on my other comment), i'll upload the UFC 2010 dump later.

my opinion, but i think disc proof should  be provided on new dumps since you can rebuild a jb rip with an ird and then get the metadata with getkeyfrom3k3y tool


psydefx wrote:

my opinion, but i think disc proof should  be provided on new dumps since you can rebuild a jb rip with an ird and then get the metadata with getkeyfrom3k3y tool


Doesn't submitting the ringcode count as a disc proof?

I'm trying to follow the PC method, the first requirement is:
"- 3k3y Ripper Device + IsoTools" is this Ripper an actual piece of hardware?

escarlata wrote:

I'm trying to follow the PC method, the first requirement is:
"- 3k3y Ripper Device + IsoTools" is this Ripper an actual piece of hardware?

Yes, 3k3y Ripper Device is an actual piece of hardware. Also called 3Key Ripp3r PCB v1 (PATA) or 3Key Ripp3r PCB v2 (PATA & SATA)

I'm trying to follow this guide to dump using a PS3 console
I reached the part of having the ISO, but when I launch "3k3y Keydumper v1.00" with an empty USB flash in the right slot the 3Dump.bin isn't created (the usb flash is formatted with FAT32 of course).
I'm on Ferrox 4.82+Cobra. Am I doing something wrong? Maybe the 3k3y app doesn't work with Ferrox? Any advice? Thanks

3k3y keydumper only works on 3.55 CFW. You'll have to downgrade to a 3.55 CFW to dump your 3Dump.bin file. After that you can upgrade back to 4.82 and use GetKey from linux just fine.

Thank you Starshadow!

I've translated some of this into to a dumping guide: http://wiki.redump.org/index.php?title= … ping_Guide

I have never dumped PS3 discs so I am looking forward to any feedback or help on this.

Jackal, if this could be added to the Dumping Guides wiki page that would be excellent.

All my posts and submission data are released into Public Domain / CC0.

user7 wrote:

I've translated some of this into to a dumping guide: http://wiki.redump.org/index.php?title= … ping_Guide

I have never dumped PS3 discs so I am looking forward to any feedback or help on this.

Jackal, if this could be added to the Dumping Guides wiki page that would be excellent.

you can probably add a link, or copy the content, of the pc ps3 compatible dumping drives from here: https://rpcs3.net/quickstart under "Compatible Blu-ray disc drives" - there are about 30 or so confirmed.

number78, as I understand only PS3 drives can get a New Dump, whereas those models of Blu-Ray drives can only be used for verifications.

All my posts and submission data are released into Public Domain / CC0.

user7 wrote:

number78, as I understand only PS3 drives can get a New Dump, whereas those models of Blu-Ray drives can only be used for verifications.

just mentioning the wiki or proposed wiki page has 3 drives listed... so maybe add a disclaimer to those drives listed wink