I've been going through my PS1 games and I found one that appears to be an unknown version.

MD5: 237b6feddd1a88e86ab1cddc8822f03f

(redump is ff50af80533a1a9a3a9fe6fbe4a8560f)

No errors reported by CDmage.

File contents are identical except for ROCK_X6.DAT (date: 11/19/2001 vs. 11/8/2001 in the redump version) (I know, I know, the dates are probably skewed slightly - this is preliminary data).

There are also differences in the CD header area. Here's an interesting one (ASCII dump)

9640:     20011120150
9640:     20011109150

I've also got a small number of PS2 games that haven't been redumped yet, at least last time I checked.

It's about time I attempted to join this project. I have a moderate amount of experience working with disc dumps, a bunch of optical drives, a few hundred games, an interest in preservation. That should be enough to get my foot in the door, right?