p_star wrote:offset which needs to be inserted in EAC in case of with GTA:
[Write offset of SLUS-00106: +2 (EAC)] + [+6 (for TS-L632D)] or [+12 (for SOHW-1633S)] = +8 (for TS-L632D) or +14 (for SOHW-1633S).
Accuraterip offsets = EAC Offsets.
Oh, I was confused, then I actually had a CD from the AccurateRip database, one from the KEY DISC section at http://www.accuraterip.com/keydiscs.htm, but not from the ones mentioned on http://www.exactaudiocopy.de/eac3.html.
Well, I'm a little bit confused here.. when you say
p_star wrote:[Write offset of SLUS-00106: +2 (EAC)]
Where did this +2(EAC) come from? Is it the same for all Data/Audio discs? or is it specific to GTA.. How it can be calculated?
p_star wrote:= +8 (for TS-L632D) or +14 (for SOHW-1633S).
So, this is the value that I should use?? Do I have to substract 30 to this value or leave alone when I try the dump??
Also, I got a problem, any of my two drives shows me data on the sector where the pregap on the second track should being... the two of them show me just zeroes....
I just bought an LG GDR-8164B, it has a bigger offset and it can be used for GC and Wii games.. hope it helps me out with this...
I got some games with audio tracks and I would like to contribute to the database....