This is a tool to calculate hashes on parts of a file.
This calculates the crc, md5 and sha1 of parts of a file, or the file as a whole.
parthash <FILENAME> [PARTSIZE ...]
Useful for comparing single file images against the multitrack hashes in the redump.org database.
Use "make" on any linux/unix/bsd console nearby, or if you must, an msys or cygwin environment.
You need to use a relatively recent gcc (4.5.0+ ish I guess).
This software uses crcutil-1.0 for providing fast crc calculations.
crcutil is made by Andrew Kadatch and Bob Jenkins and can be found on http://code.google.com/p/crcutil/
Do not contact them for support on this software.
The Makefile will try to pull in version 1.0 through wget if it is not supplied yet.
Also, this software makes use of the MD5 implementation of Alexander Peslyak.
This is found at http://openwall.info/wiki/people/solar/software/public-domain-source-code/md5
Changes were made for OpenSSL compatibility and a small casting patch for g++ support.
These changes are released under the same license as the original md5.c file.
Finally, this software makes use of the SHA1 implementation of Steve Reid, Ralph Giles et al.
Changes were made for OpenSSL compatibility and using standard c types in the header.
Also, SHA1HANDSOFF is defined to protect input data.
These changes are also released under the same license as the original sha1.c file.
At the moment, see the redump.org forum thread where you got this.
The 64 bit version is around 40% faster if your machine supports it.
The MD5 and SHA1 algorithms I use in this are not the fastest available, I choose them based on their license, readability and compactness.
I made them OpenSSL compatible though, so if you are on linux, you could modify the source to compile with OpenSSL.
Source: parthash-0.1.tar.gz
Win32 binary: parthash-0.1-bin-win32.zip
Win64 binary: parthash-0.1-bin-win64.zip