It is scary how fast the database is growing.

Graph credits go to jamjam

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redump.org_dumps_per_day_23000.png 20.36 kb, 19 downloads since 2014-11-23 

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PX-760A (+30), PX-W4824TA (+98), GSA-H42L (+667), GDR-8164B (+102), SH-D162D (+6), SOHD-167T (+12)

In the end of this year 2012 i want to see 25000 dumps in redump O___O

javidelarosa wrote:

In the end of this year 2012 i want to see 25000 dumps in redump O___O

And I wonder how many trurip dumps  wink

javidelarosa wrote:

In the end of this year 2012 i want to see 25000 dumps in redump O___O

Im 100% sure we will pass 25000 we only need 900 dumps.

He who controls the SPICE... controls the UNIVERSE!
The SPICE must flow.

Can someone plot all milestones against time? Might be a nice graph to show if progress is accelerating or remaining constant.

PS3Dec (decrypt ps3 images), PS3DumpCheck (check integrity), GetKey (dump PS3 metadata), DatSplit (split redump dats), GPack (compress related images together)

ID    Secs since 1970    Diff. in secs    Diff. in days
 2000    1198058221        
 3000    1205141508    7083287    81,98248843
 4000    1211903832    6762324    78,26763889
 5000    1223684908    11781076  136,3550463
 6000    1234367395    10682487  123,6398958
 7000    1241631571    7264176    84,07611111
 8000    1247397281    5765710    66,73275463
 9000    1253618717    6221436    72,00736111
10000    1258984862    5366145    62,10815972
11000    1264607590    5622728    65,07787037
12000    1269886039    5278449    61,09315972
13000    1273664934    3778895    43,73721065
14000    1276623107    2958173    34,23811343
15000    1282250629    5627522    65,13335648
16000    1285510886    3260257    37,73445602
17001    1290772558    5261672    60,89898148
18000    1297601850    6829292    79,04273148
19000    1303677301    6075451    70,31771991
20000    1310222586    6545285    75,75561343
21000    1316967841    6745255    78,07008102
22000    1322309298    5341457    61,82241898
23002    1326736366    4427068    51,23921296
PX-760A (+30), PX-W4824TA (+98), GSA-H42L (+667), GDR-8164B (+102), SH-D162D (+6), SOHD-167T (+12)

7 (edited by jamjam 2012-06-02 15:42:55)

Thank you for all the raw data. Graph below shows number of dumps per day on average at each milestone. Counting the start of the database at the time the first dump was entered (assumed to be Biohazard psx on Jul 28 2007, 22:20)

PS3Dec (decrypt ps3 images), PS3DumpCheck (check integrity), GetKey (dump PS3 metadata), DatSplit (split redump dats), GPack (compress related images together)

Just for fun, can we have more statistics? Like dumps per system, first dumps, verified & unverified, etc? I presume it can onl be done if Admin provides db data, or is there a feature for getting it (like using some filters in search?) hmm