I think there should be a category for documentation discs, and other discs with random files that can be accessed from multiple systems. Discs with stuff like pdfs, avis, docs which in my opinion does not really belong in IBM-PC.  For example the command and conquer tiberium sun documentation disc, which true has a copy of adobe reader, but only to facilitate accessing the pdf files.

Another example (and the reason for this post) is the B side of xbox 360 world discs. Side A is DVD-Video, but side B is just files put on a disc. Volume 100 includes avis, pdfs, jpegs, mp3s etc. There are 2 small windows games in volume 100 but they seem out of place, are just chucked in, nothing to do with the main reason for the disc, and take up 15MB of a 2.75GB image. All the rest can be used from any modern system. Volume 85 side B has no games, just the usual system independent (but xbox related) stuff, and a few screensaver exes.

It doesn't look right at all that an xbox 360 coverdisc should be in ibm-pc.

xbox 360 world volume 100 side b contents:

Assassin's Creed Bloodlines Multiplayer.avi
Assassin's Creed Brotherhood Launch.avi
Assassin's Creed Brotherhood Rome.avi
Assassin's Creed Brotherhood Story.avi
Battlefield Bad Company 2 Vietnam.avi
Dead Space 2 Halloween.avi
Dead Space 2 Lullaby.avi
Dead Space 2.avi
Dragon Age 2.avi
Dragon Ball Raging Blast 2.avi
EA Sports MMA.avi
EDF Insect Armageddon Co-op.avi
EDF Insect Armageddon Ravagers.avi
Enslaved DLC.avi
Fable III Co-op.avi
Fable III.avi
Faery Legends of Avalon.avi
FEAR 3.avi
Fight Night Champion.avi
Gun Loco.avi
Halo Reach DLC.avi
James Bond Blood Stone Classic Bond.avi
James Bond Blood Stone.avi
Kinect Joy Ride.avi
LA Noire.avi
Mafia II Joe's Advnetures.avi
Majin and the Forsaken Kingdom - The Art of Majin.avi
Majin and the Forsaken Kingdom - The Music of Majin.avi
Medal of Honor Hotzone.avi
Mortal Kombat Sub Zero.avi
Need for Speed Hot Pursuit Launch.avi
Need for Speed Hot Pursuit Real Autolog.avi
NFS Hot Pursuit Seacrest County.avi
NFS Hot Pursuit Ultimate Cop.avi
RDR Undead Nightmare Launch.avi
RDR Undead Nightmare Weapons.avi
RDR Undead Nightmare.avi
Shadows of the Damned.avi
Smackdown vs Raw 11.avi
Sonic Free Riders Weapons.avi
Sonic Free Riders.avi
XBW MUSIC Call of Duty Black Ops.avi
XBW MUSIC Dance Central.avi

Podcasts (505MB)
Top 100 xbox 360 game reviews (232MB)
Books and Comics (189MB)
Wallpapers (112MB)
Fallout New Vegas Docs
Bioshock 2 'Papercraft' (cut out "fun")
2 games (N and Spelunky)

PS3Dec (decrypt ps3 images), PS3DumpCheck (check integrity), GetKey (dump PS3 metadata), DatSplit (split redump dats), GPack (compress related images together)


Again, suggesting a platform independent category for those discs whose main content is video, pdfs etc that can be played on a lot of platforms. Documentation discs that go with ibm-pc games can stay where they are for all I care, but stuff like xbox 360 and ps3 demos do not belong in ibm-pc in my opinion ( http://redump.org/disc/19992/ http://redump.org/disc/19983/ and a ps3 one pending). We have a platform independent dvd category and audio category, so why not data files?

PS3Dec (decrypt ps3 images), PS3DumpCheck (check integrity), GetKey (dump PS3 metadata), DatSplit (split redump dats), GPack (compress related images together)