For example; Kelly Slater' s Pro Surfer got two european dump - Serial: DL-DOL-GKSP-UKV - Serial: DL-DOL-GKSX-EUR

When file got renamed we got :
Kelly Slater's Pro Surfer (Europe)
Kelly Slater's Pro Surfer (Europe) (En,De)

When you look at the serial of each game, wouldn't it be better to name each game like that ?
Kelly Slater's Pro Surfer (UK)
Kelly Slater's Pro Surfer (Europe) (En,De)

i'm waiting your comments ...

you are totally right.

I've found about 50 games like that in the GC list.
Do i need to do a list for those games ?

i guess it would be helpful.  maybe via the wiki

Mmh, -UKV does not necessarily mean it's UK-only. There are some examples of a UKV dump matching an EUR dump.

I haven't figured it out completely yet, but the last letter before the -UKV or -EUR seems much more important. There seems to be a pattern: P is for Europe, D for Germany, E for USA, J for Japan, F for France, U for Australia and so on. Haven't figured out X and Y yet... Anyway, it would be wrong to assume that UKV means UK-only.

Yes, I've seen quite a few UKV discs in Australia.