Hello to everyone,

I have been trying to dump a DC disc with SOHD-167T drive for last 3 hours now, unsuccessfully.

Running windows xp sp2 clean install. Installed ASPI 4.60. Tried with at least 3 firmwares on the drive.
With cover and without cover.

Swap works. But when I try to actually dump the disc, it simply fails.
Once I managed in sector view to read sectors 80 000, then 70 000, 60 000, 50 000, then I run the dump. It dumped 4 MB and failed.

Does anyone have ANY idea what am I doing wrong and WHY it doesn't work?

The drive is listed as supported on the forums so I really have no idea what to do next sad

Any help is greatly appreciated!

And the Samsung SH-D162D also failed for you before?

Dunno, I haven't dumped a DC disc in a long while, but there must be something wrong if you can't get 2 supported drives to work.. maybe the trap disc was burned incorrectly?

Also tell us if you're taking the cover off, or if you're using the escape eject pin.. I remember that with using the escape eject pin, it's really difficult to get a successful swap, especially with the lite-on. When you refresh the TOC it should still show the TOC of the trap disc. If this isn't the case then the swap wasn't successful. I think most of the people were using a USB to ATA converter and had the metal cover screwed off.

Hope someone has the patience to go through every step with you.

does it work better, when you swap with regular audio CD, instead of recorded?

5 (edited by tossEAC 2010-05-19 05:20:01)

I have no probs using SH-D162D, dumps every time, using pin eject method.

I use a Pentium Duo (x64), with winxp, and I don't bother with ASPI 4.60 just CDRWin.

But - and this is a BIG BUTT.

I used to dump, with a much lower spec PC, and most times it would dump ok, but quite often the dump, had errors it shouldn't have had.

Since I swapped the dumping to a much faster PC the dumps dump everytime perfectly.

Maybe this info was of use? But it might have something to do with your PC's specs. Not enough fast memory, or a slow cpu/gpu.

If you think it is the firmware you are using, maybe, I use kreon fw.

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