Hi everyone,

I have over 60 of my own PAL dumps that i'm planning on comparing with the ones on the website.

From what i've read all i need is HashCalc to get the md5s of my dumps.

That all makes sense.

What might be a problem is that few of the games i had dumped were borrowed from a video store, so i don't have access to them anymore which means i won't be able to provide the gc disc id number

Would you be willing to accept them without this info?
For example I have an English PAL version of Summoner A Goddess Reborn but don't own the disc anymore

P.S. So far i've check 12 games and the md5s match for all of them

Thank you!

It was already discussed in the past, it's not quite safe to add DVD dumps which cannot have a real comfirmation / disc infos.
IMO it could be discussed if those dumps are verifications, but also this is not safe.

My patch requests thread

okay, that's good to know
