I'm looking for a drive that is suitable for dumping discs with audio tracks (i.e. with lead-in/out reading and all).
I know about the plextor drivers but I have a hard time finding one reasonably prized, or finding any at all.
Are there any relatively cheap models which still provide sufficient functionality?
This is actually the XBOX360's HD-DVD drive.
It may be possible to get them in hmv stores or online @ amazon.
I bought 2 for £25 each.
Not as good as a plextor in some ways, but has pottential to do more than most plextors.
It works well in EAC and detects gaps on method A secure, very quickly evry time. Without corrupted the detected gaps.
It can play HD-DVD's and DVD's on both PC and XBOX360.
Its well made and is pretty heavy, including the PSU.
Handy as a USB dvd drive for laptops that dont have dvd or hd-dvd.
And lastly it has a lovely large offset above 647, so discs with -647 factory write offset can be read in easilly.
Overall 9.5/10 for what it can do, not what it cant.
PS I have around 10 SCSI pLextor drives, if your intrested. Let me know.
The SPICE must flow.
thanks for the quick reply! I'll look into that one.
What model are the plextors? What would price+shipping to Sweden add up to?
I could see the postage being 1/3 of total cost.
So if the postage was 10 Euro, It would be 30 Euro's total, or their abouts, I can only let you have an early reader model, no writers as I paid about £200 for each writer, I was spending ca$h like it was out of fashion in those days.
The readers are good early scsi models, reliable and have huge offsets, good for discs with -647 offset.
Model of the one I had in mind is Plextor PX-32TSi Sept 1998
The fw is a removable chip (cant be flashed) Ver 1.03
Try getting hold of the x360 drive (while you still can).
The SPICE must flow.
I dont actually know if it can overread. Is their a way you can tell, and I'll give it a try, and let you know
The SPICE must flow.
I just let EAC tell me if it can by making it try to detect the drive's offset using any audio CD I put in it. Regardless if the disc is in EAC's database the first thing it does is tell you what the drive's overreading capabilities are (or at least what the drive says it can do).