1 (edited by MrMii6 2024-07-24 20:16:11)

Both Redumper and DIC fail to dump this disc successfully. Log outputs from both are attached.

Disc 1 is already on Redump, but Disc 2 isn't, so it seems that I'm not the first person to encounter this. (http://redump.org/disc/84650/)
I was able to dump Disc 1.

Any help with this would be appreciated.

Edit: I should also mention that the disc shows no signs of rot and looks practically mint.

Post's attachments

A_FISH_CALLED_WANDA_DISC_2_DIC.zip 26.5 kb, 4 downloads since 2024-07-24 

A_FISH_CALLED_WANDA_DISC_2_redumper.log 3.12 kb, 6 downloads since 2024-07-24 

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That disc is shifted 2 seconds into the lead-out, that's 150 sectors.
PLEXTOR can read only 100 lead-out sectors. ASUS with patched Rib's firmware can read unlimited lead-out sectors.
You have to either use audio trap disc with PLEXTOR to trick the drive into reading more or ASUS with patched Rib's firmware and redumper option `--overread-leadout`

superg wrote:

That disc is shifted 2 seconds into the lead-out, that's 150 sectors.
PLEXTOR can read only 100 lead-out sectors. ASUS with patched Rib's firmware can read unlimited lead-out sectors.
You have to either use audio trap disc with PLEXTOR to trick the drive into reading more or ASUS with patched Rib's firmware and redumper option `--overread-leadout`

Thank you for the clear explanation! I don't have a compatible ASUS drive, so I'll try burning an audio trap disc. I'll report back.

Unfortunately, I couldn't get a complete dump using the audio trap disc method. However, another Redump member contacted me and informed me that they own an ASUS drive and know someone who has this disc and can lend it to them. So, this disc will be dumped in the future.